Friday 30 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 22

Portals and pathways

 Part 22


Genesis 49 vs 21, "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words."

When Israel blessed his children, he described Naphtali as "a hind". The Lord showed me how as a body we are like the tribe of Naphtali - evangelistic and freed to proclaim his good news. The Bible speaks of other tribes that possessed characteristics of different animals.

When you Look at Judah, he was referred to as a lion. These were not just names but symbols and you can see how the tribes possessed the attitude and character of the animals. Each animal was not only a symbol of a blessing. It was a pronouncement how those born in that tribe would function.

I have learnt from scripture, and through years of experience  interpreting dreams, how animal symbols have different prophetic meanings. Although at times some are negative, others are positive.

Horse -  is a symbol of authority and royalty.

Cattle - is a symbol of wealth and negative idols.

Snakes are often the most common animals in dreams or visions. When one encounters a snake, the first aspect they should look at is the colour.

Green snake - this is usually an attack on life or the source of life. Work and ministry are immediate examples.

Yellow snake - this is a bloodline spirit and usually has black lines.

Black snake - this is an idol or family altar and usually has different colour stripes to show area of attack.

Purple snake - this is a demonic spirit of discernment usualy a familiar spirit.

Brown snake - this is attacks all that you have sacrificed for and is ussualy a spirit of pride. Other animals that are common and have negative impact in a dream.

White snake - religious spirit, spiritualist, sangomas or any spirit of divination.

Monkey - destructive spirit. If there is a connection with a student, the student is playful at school. 

Snail - spirit of delay.

I will look at other symbols in my forthcoming book but I wanted you to be aware of how animals have both negative and positive symbols.

Although today I focused more on the negative. I have noticed that people have made conclusions about dreams and how at most there are negative. But I am  working on a manual that will open your eyes to understand your dreams much easier.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Portals and Pathways Part 21

Portals and Pathways

Part 21

Not Just Names

Have you ever gone through the book of Chronicles and managed to read through all the names? It's a tedious  exercise and a lot of people have skipped the names and have gone on to read the other parts of the Bible.

One time I took my Bible and a Hebrew dictionary and started reading name by name, looking for meanings and significance of the names. What surprised me was that every name told a story. Some names spoke judgment, salvation, frustrations and even the bearer's responsibilities.

I went a step further and looked at the friends in my own life and noticed how the names spoke of the stages I was going through in my life . I observed later on that every friend I had heard spoke of the situations I was going through at that moment.

The discipline I exercised,  looking up the names in the Word, opened my eyes to see even in my own life. The Word says, "Can two walk together unless they are in agreement?" When you walk with a friend, the negative influence of their name can also negatively affect your life unless you change it.

My wife, Grace, came into my life at a time when I really needed the grace of God .Through the years, I have seen the grace of God because of my wife's name.

The positive effects of a name also impact your life . Jesus changed the names of some of his disciples immediately after meeting them. The new names would change their lives and destinies immediately.

What is the meaning of your name or even your friends' names? What are the names saying concerning your life? I have noticed how even the bearer of the name possesses the attitude and characteristics that their name carries.

Names are important and every detail in the Bible is important.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Sunday 25 March 2018

Portals and Pathways Part 20

Portals and Pathways

 Part 20

The Replacement

The moment Esau finished eating the pottage his brother Jacob had made him, his name was changed to Edom (Gensis 25 vs 30). After he sold his birthright,  the Bible referred to him as Edom

As the first born son, he had rights to the blessing but that incident shifted his destiny. Another destiny-shifting moment was when Jacob wrestled the angel of God. His name was changed to Israel. The name change was symbolic of the destiny shift.

Before the change of the name, Jacob lived in fulfilment of the meaning of his name -  the deceiver.

Have you ever noticed whenever Israel sinned, the Lord would refer to them as Jacob. Words have power to shift and change destiny. When Esau spoke to his brother  those words shifted his destiny.

When you're not aware of spiritual  realities  that a single moment of life can totally change the direction of your destiny, you live recklessly.  You must become become aware that you're not just a physical being but a spirit. You should be more aware of your spiritual life.

 Israel is still a nation even in our generation but Edom was destroyed because their father was hungry and sold his birthright. How many things have you sold or lost because of moments of foolishness?

Illicit sexual intercourse is another act that shifts destiny and the consequences  of that single moment of foolishness can attract a curse that will torment your children's children.

I want to challenge you not to live like Esau who sold his birthright for a single moment of pleasure. Let your eyes be opened today and begin to live as a spiritual being. Bring changes into your life that will be a blessing not only to you but to your children's children.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Thursday 22 March 2018

Portal and Pathways

Portals and Pathways
Part 19

The king woke up and he was restless. The dream had chased away peace from his heart and the peace could only be restored when he understood what the interpretation of the dream was.

He had been a great general and men trembled at the sight of him. Yet a single dream brought so much fear to his heart.

A decree went out, all the wise man would be killed if they could not remind the king his dream. The wise man and magicians that where at times his most trusted adviser could not remind him his dream and provide its interpretation.

Daniel asked for more time to look at the dream. But the king could not afford it because the dream had caused him too much despair.

It is often the nature of dreams to trouble the dreamer. Imagine a king lost peace because of a dream!  The only way he regained the rest was when he received the interpretation.

I have discovered that dreams have a depth that many ignore. I remember of  a dream. A woman in South Africa sent me. In the dream, she saw herself brushing her teeth using black pepper as tooth paste. As I read the dream, the Lord showed me how there was a problem with ashma within her family and how others would face breathing challenges  because of overweight. Dreams carry so many symbols and when interpreted, they can be instructive and helpful.

God used a dream to communicate to Joseph the plans of Herod to kill Jesus. Imagine a message that important had to come through a dream!

Every dream matters and when correctly interpreted, can be for warning, comfort or instruction in righteousness. So take your dreams seriously and allow others to help you interpret.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 18

Portals and Pathways

Part 18

He opens a Door for His Lovers

One day I asked the Lord , 'Please tell me, how can I grow in my intamacy with you?' Then He said, "If you cannot be intimate with your wife or those that you can see, it is difficult to be intimate with me."

The word of God also says 'If you can not love these that you see, how can you love your Father who is in heaven?' (Mathew 25 vs 35-40).

Your attitude or conduct towards the person you can see, touch or talk to is the first step to intimacy with God. Most men of God that I have read of, during the times they encountered angels, testified that some of the angels would be dressed as a beggar and when they had been assisted, they disappeared.

Our father of faith, Abraham, was tested in the same area when he hosted the three strangers. The Lord taught me that the greatest way to be intimate with him was through growing in my intimacy with my wife. When last did you tell your partner how much you love them? Some people hardly tell their spouse that they love them, and yet they say they love the Lord!

The love you show to those around you is directly proportional to the love you have for the Lord. The way I relate with my wife, brother or neighbour determines if I can be intimate with God. The way I relate with individuals around me describes the way I relate also with God. We are God's extended hand to the world

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Sunday 18 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 17

Portals and Pathways

Part 17

Every gate has a gatekeeper whose responsibility is to stand guard over the gate into a specific domain.

Gatekeepers can either be angelic or demonic. Angelic gatekeepers protect a domain from evil infiltration while demonic gatekeepers stand guard to ensure one doesn't enter the place of the blessing.

 In Joshua 7 vs 5, the children of Israel were defeated and chased away by the gatekeepers at Ai. Questions arose in my heart when I read this because Israel had been told that they would emerge victors over their enemies. What did the children of Israel do to forfeit this promise? The gatekeepers of Ai had been empowered to defeat Israel.

Because Israel had broken the commandments of the Lord, the sin of Achan empowered the enemies of Israel and only until this sin was dealt with, Israel would not have victory. What is it that has empowered the enemy to stop you from entering the place of your blessing?

Some gatekeepers have stopped your family from entering dimensions or realms of provisions.

When Achan died, his sin and its effects over Israel was destroyed. Jesus died in your place and by his death you now have authority to tell demonic gatekeepers that they cannot lock you out of the promises of God for your life. The enemy takes advantage of your ignorance to keep you out of your place of provision and destiny.

Dislodge these demonic gatekeepers by taking possession of your promises in prayer and through the name of Jesus. Hosea 4 vs 6 speaks of how people perish for lack of knowledge.

But today I want you to pray with me as we dislodge these demonic gatekeepers.

Prayer to dislodge demonic gatekeepers...

1: Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare today that let every demonic gatekeeper sent against me to stop me from entering into your promises be blinded today in Jesus name

2: Let your angels arise on my behalf today in Jesus name

3: Let your Spirit lift me above every walll of limitation against my destiny

4: No demon or spirit that monitored my father or my life will have access to my children

5: My children will not inherit my battles in Jesus name

6: I thank you Lord for your blood that washed over me to remove every negative law against my destiny

7: Thank you for your son and his sacrifice for my life in Jesus name.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Thursday 15 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 16

Portals and Pathways

 Part 16

There is a stream of God's Spirit that flows all around us and when you tap into this river, it can give you access to the blessings connected to it.

Rev 22 vs 1 says the river flows from the throne of God. The Holy Spirit is this river of life and when you drink from Him, you are refreshed.

The gifts of the Spirit are manifested by those that have opened themselves up so that the river flows through them. Being full of the Spirit is a continuous exercise and a lot do not drink from the river daily. Do not start your day without drinking from this river. (Eph 5 vs 18).

One may ask: how can I drink from, or have access to, this river? Worship is one key way of tapping into this river. When in prayer, I just find myself so overwhelmed by Him that I lift up my voice to Him. I have realised that during most of my prayer time, I sing or shout  praises to God. I can spend an hour in worship.

I remember one day I wanted to get out of my prayer room  and the Holy Spirit said to me, "Two more minutes..." The minutes turned into hours! When in worship, allow the river of God's presence to just overflow through and over you.

Worship should be your lifestyle. Today throw yourself into this river and allow him to fill you afresh. Have you ever been so full of Him when alone at home or in prayer that you just fall under his power?

Some people think you just fall under His power at church. You can also fall under His power during times of personal fellowship. Can you tap into this river everyday of your life?

In the Bible, there are examples of people like Elisha who understood this key of tapping into this river through worship or music. When he was asked for a word from the Lord, Elisha said, "And now bring me a musician."

And it happened that when the musician was playing the hand of the Lord came upon him. (2 Kings 3:15). When he was asked to prophesy, he understood that he could only prophesy by tapping into this river through worship.

Today, I will put a link to a worship song. Sing along and tap into this river. Tap into the river of God.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 15

Portals and Pathways

Part 15

The dimension of rest is the realm of seers. The easiest way, and the best time, to see a vision is  when you are in a rested state. Most visions or encounters happen when you are at rest. The mind is a hive of activity and usually hinders man's ability to tap into the dimension of seers where angelic manifestations are frequent. In this dimension, it is also easier to hear the voice of God.

In this dimension, words appear in the form of pictures. So, if your mind is always active, it may be difficult to tap into the realm of seers.

The Bible speaks of the need to discern the evil communication of the heart. Despite the frequency at which your body and the devil communicate, the Lord can interrupt the normal frequency if you are at rest. Its even more beautiful when this happens during everyday communication.

What is this rested state? Hebrews 4 vs 3 says we have entered His rest. So every one who is born again has entered into this rest. You may ask why is it that I am born again and have never encountered an angel? It's because your mind is not renewed. The more of the Word of God you have, the more it is easier to tap into this seer dimension.

Take time out in the Word because the Word gives you ability to bring every thought captive, allowing you to see visions. The reason why a lot of people find it easier to see visions only in  dreams is because their spirit is still being dominated by the body and when the body is exhausted and at rest, their spirit becomes more sensitive.

It's possible to see visions everyday. I have experienced this. Dreams are another form of visions but there is the seer realm. Remember Elisha asking the Lord to open his servant's eyes so he can enter this realm? And Samuel talking  to Saul about whereabouts of his father's lost donkeys?

Most of the things you worry about can be solved when you enter the seer dimension. Have you accepted this rest that only comes through Christ? Today enter into his rest to gain access to the seer dimension.

I have observed that at times in prayer, one can feel sleepy. Do not fight it. Ask for wisdom and revelation. It could be God nudging you into the seer realm. I have observed that at times when I doze off while praying, I see visions and have major ecounters.

Prayer is not always a shouting match. Quiet moments in the presence of the Lord are important. Sit in your prayer room quietly before the Lord in a prayerful mode. This allows you to tap into visions and dreams.

Thank you, God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Monday 12 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 14

Portals and Pathways

Part 14

I had a hunger to know about angels but I had a lot questions. The restlessness and hunger pushed me to have deep insight on angels. Do we have authority to command angels? and can every believer be able to see angels? Why would a selected few testify of seeing angels?  What is the role of angels in my life?

The first thing the Holy Spirit taught me was that angels are servants of the heirs of salvation. They are not under us but under God and the authority to command them is from Him.

When the devil spoke to Jesus he said God would command angels to come and help Him before He falls . (Luke 4:10). That's the correct channel of command of God commanding angels on our behalf and to fully grasp this allows you to have greater results when instructing angels  in prayer because you realise you can only instruct them through God.

Matthew 18:10, "Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in Heaven."

The challenge we have is not being sure on how to relate with angelic beings. I also noticed that our guardian angels do not walk around following us but are always before the Father on our behalf. How can they be gurdians if they are always before the face of the Father?

The realm of the spirit does not have the same rules as the natural dimension. You cannot be more a guardian if you do not represent someone before God. In a dream I saw a disc from Prophet Uebert Angel. When I had asked for more information on angels. In the dream, I saw a DVD written something in Greek. When I asked God for the meaning, he said it meant malachi. I had never heard that word or even seen the disc before.

When I woke up, I checked online and found the disc on angels by Prophet Uebert Angel. The way it looked in my dream was the exact way it looked now. The only difference was that the words were now in English. The word also written on the disc in the dream was malachi and it meant messenger or angel. I was excited. The detail in my dream about this disc was a key to understanding angelic ministry. I will upload the link to this disc but I will share other things I received personally.

The Lord said to me, "My angels are all around you but the challange is you are not aware of them." The more you are aware of them, the easier it is to see their manifastion.

Angels are helpers in the work we have been given. But they are so disciplined that you need knowledge to see them and for them to actively participate in your life. The guardian angels are always before the Father because as they are in His presence, they bring your needs before him and even can tell the Fathers of  the dangers around you so that God can release a Word for your life. Angels can not act without a Word from God so when they receive a Word  from God they receive empowerment to act on your behalf.

Let's say you're going through financial challanges as they are before the Father they intret Him for you that if He releases a word. That Word shifts your finacial situation. We expect the guardian's to be around us but if they do not carry a Word from the Lord for your situation, they can not guard you.

Everything in the Kingdom draws its life from God, so our relationship with the angels is through Jesus and the Father. That's why the guardians spend their time before the Father for us. Today you have gained deeper insights on guardian angels. We will look more on angels in coming series. Thank below on teaching by Prophet Uebert Angel.
Send in your questions and feedback .

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Saturday 10 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 13

Portals and Pathways

Part 13

Every man carries an atmosphere around him. Psalm 1 vs 1-3 instructs us not to be found in the company of the ungodly.

The atmosphere around fornicators or sinners is infused with the spirit of fornication or whatever demons motivates there behaviour. That spirit may cause those around them to begin to either have lustful thoughts and desires or what ever attitude that demon causes.

We are called to influence such demonic atmospheres with the gospel but not to be conformed. The Lord showed me that a spirit of lust is like a naked woman, it follows whoever it is tormenting. When this man looks at a dressed woman it projects its nudity through that woman. That the man begins to see the woman as though she is also uncovered. So this demon projects its nudity when this man looks at every woman around him.

These women appear as if they are nude and throughout the day, the man is tormented by a series of  lustful thoughts and when you come in his atmosphere, you can also be motivated to have sexually thoughts or these demonic desires.

Have you ever noticed how on social media the enemy uses these men and women that carry these demonic atmospheres to try and corrupt your atmosphere, which leaves us as believers with a greater mandate to take over all social platforms. After greeting some people, your thoughts become corrupted (demonic manipulations).

“And delivered just Lot, vexed with filthy conversation of the wicked.” (2 Peter 2:7, KJV).

Lot was vexed to compromise and when the angels came, the men in the city of Sodom wanted to sleep with the angels but Lot offered the them his daughters. Such compromise! No wonder the Bible says he was vexed to compromise. The culture and atmosphere of Sodom had corrupted Lot that even later his daughters slept with him.

Has your environment vexed you to compromise? Or are you influencing your environment for Christ? Some Christians use more swear words than unbelievers. We, as Christians carry the Holy Spirit. But if He is not stirred up in you, will you be able to stand in the toxic environment of your work place? Or even your home and nation? We stir up the Holy Spirit bu prayer , worship and being in the word. We are called to fellowship and we can to the Holy Spirit as a friend. We are to always be full of the Spirit

The only way to be able to shift the atmosphere around you is to be full of the Holy Spirit. When we started this series, I pointed out how there are portals around us to enter into the supernatural. But note that there are also demonic doors just as much as there are angelic doors. And the atmosphere around you attracts either demonic or angelic influence.

Today, I am calling you to influence your environment by being full of the Holy Spirit. Thank you!

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 12

Portals and Pathways

Part 12

Keys to the Supernatural.

God saw the need for man to be saved so He sent Jesus to come not only to die for man but, through his death, to bring man up into a new dimension of life.

In the gospel according to John, Jesus instructed Mary when she appeared at the tomb following the Lord's resurrection, "Go tell my brothers that I go to my father and their father." (John 20 vs 17).

Before his death, we had been separated from the fatherhood of God. For God to bring or allow man to gain access to this new dimension of life He himself had to put on flesh. It is a principle that he set for the world.

Allow me to say that without putting on flesh, God would not have been able to redeem man. He gave me the example of a fruit tree that you need another man to gain access to new areas of the spirit even  of life.

The principle was set by God himself. Roman 11 vs 17 - 18 allows us to see how Gentiles were engrafted into an already exsiting covenant  between God and Israel.

The process of engrafting involves you taking branches from a foreign tree and joining then to the stem of another tree. This is usualy practiced by farmers as a means of increasing yield and fruit to their lands. So God wanted an increase of sons and daughters.

He spoke more on this and said for you to have deep insight about Me or even to enter into greater dimensions of the spirit you need to find a stem (a person) who has been planted or has had experience in the dimension you desire to enter.

He gave me an example of an Apostle and friend  said if you will carry his anointing  when it comes in your hands, it no longer functions like his, but now carries fruits of my own anointing. He said take his jacket and wave it over people. I followed what he said and acted out what he showed me. The way people were slain in the Spirit was in the chatacter of my own anointing and when the Apostle used the same jacket, people would fall under the power differently. Same with bussines when you receive principals  for any industry when you begin to excersize in that principals you exhibit your own attributes

He then said when engfrated, you manifest your own fruits but you cannot gain new spritual fruit without the help of another man. Every door or new spiritual experience is connected to a man. This principle was set in a way that even God had to follow by becoming flesh to save man and bring him to a new level of fellowship.

When engrafted, you will be brought into new dimensions that you have never experienced. Cornelius was told by an angel to go and find Peter, who would open the door to salvation for him. And I say to you today , go look for a man that will open doors for you into the supernatural.

This principle applies to all areas of life .If you want financial blessing get engrafted to a financially fruitful person,  If you want growth in ministry find an established personal in that area. What ever area of life someone has keys to that realm of like. Today look for key holders for whatever area you desire influence in.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 11

Portals and Pathways

Part 11

The building blocks or the supporting structures of the world are the Words spoken by God in Genesis 1 vs. 3 – 31 when He created the world.

Everything came into existence because of the Word of God. In the realm of the spirit words are more real than all physical things you can imagine or see.

The Bible says the invisible things are more real than the visible because all things were first conceived in the spirit. A phone started in the spirit because it was first conceived in man's imagination or thoughts.

Everything that will ever be made is first conceived in the spirit. I once read a story about Bobby Conner. He had a dream in which he fell and his clothes got dirty. When he woke up, he found by the side of his bed the same clothes he was wearing in that dream and they were dirty like in the dream.

At one time my wife also had a dream in which she was attacked by a cat. She killed the cat in the dream  and the cat attacked her. She told me that she killed the cat in the dream and when we woke up, the same cat that she had killed in her dream was lying dead on our doorstep. The realm of the spirit is real and what happens in the spirit affects you physically.

The secret is to become more conscious of this world. The most creative of people are more conscious of the spirit than the natural. The most creative individuals are thought to be crazy. Because they have lost touch with the physical world in order to tap into the spirit and translate what they saw in their heart into the physical.

The spiritual realm controls the physical and through wisdom one has the ability to translate the spiritual to the physical or a place where man can see and participate.

The Holy Spirit instructed me to teach on the reality of the realm of the spirit and how it impacts the physical world. The Bible speaks of how the word walked in the garden imagine the voice walking. The Word walked in the garden and Jesus is said to be the Word made flesh.

I believe they will come a time all the words you have been speaking will be activated in your life. If they are activated, will things be better or worse for you? It depends on how you have been speaking.

Become more aware of this thing called the realm of the spirit because it carries structures that have been created by man and God. If words are important think how much damage you have caused.

God never spoke or made an error because he understands that His Word upholds the very heaven. The Lord inspired me in a vision to write a book titled Truthfullness. In this vision I saw a man under pressure (either pressure of life, hardship, stressful situations or being pushed to a breaking point) although he was under such duress the words he spoke where not spoken in fear but were bold declarations on one’s position in Christ.

He later said Christian maturity is measured by the words you speak. If the building blocks of the world are the Words spoken by God. Note as well the building blocks of your life are your words. Becareful how you use your words.

Apostle Humphrey.

Saturday 3 March 2018

Portals and pathways part 10

Portals and Pathways

 Part 10

When an airplane was invented, it could only travel a short distance and could only carry a limited number of people. But because the manufacturers of our time took time to study the first model, they were able to develop it further beyond the understanding of the inventors. The same principle applies to our walk of faith. The apostles wrote down all they did so we could learn from them. Picking up from where they left the present-day church can walk in greater works. Some say power was only for the early church but I say lets learn and do more than the early church.

Faith in our generation has become a basic truth but in the time of the faith movement, it was a major truth. In some areas, faith is not regarded or valued as it was in the beginning. Believers have become weak because they now walk more in unbelief. When major miracles happen, some Christians are the first to criticise. I have seen blind eyes and deaf ears open. Miracles are not just for the past, but for now, too.

We should revisit and start practising the doctrines of old. I remember reading about smith Wigglesworth and how he stood on faith and many miracles were wrought through him. In his time, men believed you must wait for the Holy Spirit but he discovered the Holy Ghost was already released and it was just a matter of receiving him. I believe in visions and how each believer has access to the voice of God. His voice can manifest in a dream and even a trance.

We should not neglect the seemingly simple doctrines because if we build on the work these men did, we can have stronger structures and even healthier believers. Be a student. (2 Cor 11:3). The Lord said to me, Equip my children for the supernatural’ and I lay this structure on an already existing foundation. Faith is a key to walking in the supernatural.

In a night vision I saw a woman of God whom I highly revere from Mozambique. Her name is Heidi Baker. We walked to a riverbank and the river had seven divisions. I was afraid to cross because I thought I would drown. As I was thinking, Heidi crossed over to the other side. She had a stronger foundation in the word than I had at that time. When I look at her life I notice the faith she walks in and through this faith she has obeyed the word of God over her life.

When she arrived at the other side, there was a class of angels I had never seen before. Then the Lord said to get to where she is it takes sacrifice. If I had not been afraid and walked in faith I would have entered a new dimension of angelic ministry at that moment, but fear stopped me. Fear is the opposite of faith. Heidis work in Mozambique has seen thousands healed and many others turned to Christ. Testimonies of healings are a common thing in her ministry. Fear will stop you from sacrifice because it blinds you.

There is fear thats from the enemy but there is also reverential fear, which is godly fear. Godly fear may come during a vision because mans nature is flesh and flesh can be uncomfortable before God because of sin. I have learnt that some visions carry with them this godly fear.

When Daniel met the angel, his strength left him. I once prayed for a friend to encounter Jesus and at that moment Jesus entered the room. She was so afraid that she tried to hide behind a couch. In another incident, I prayed for a young lady and she said she saw the cross of Jesus but was afraid to proceed to the throne. Fear stopped her.

In another incident a woman of God she said a voice and a strong wind came into a room and she ran away in fear. She was so afraid of going back into the bedroom. She did not receive the full message because of fear. The supernatural is uncommon to the human mind and can be challenging during your first encounters. How then can you differentiate these two kinds of fears?

The word of God matures you to be able to discern reverential fear and ungodly fear. Without the word, one can miss a visitation. There is need to soak yourself in the word to increase your ability to discern. The word equips you and readies you for an encounter.

Apostle Humphrey