Saturday, 10 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 13

Portals and Pathways

Part 13

Every man carries an atmosphere around him. Psalm 1 vs 1-3 instructs us not to be found in the company of the ungodly.

The atmosphere around fornicators or sinners is infused with the spirit of fornication or whatever demons motivates there behaviour. That spirit may cause those around them to begin to either have lustful thoughts and desires or what ever attitude that demon causes.

We are called to influence such demonic atmospheres with the gospel but not to be conformed. The Lord showed me that a spirit of lust is like a naked woman, it follows whoever it is tormenting. When this man looks at a dressed woman it projects its nudity through that woman. That the man begins to see the woman as though she is also uncovered. So this demon projects its nudity when this man looks at every woman around him.

These women appear as if they are nude and throughout the day, the man is tormented by a series of  lustful thoughts and when you come in his atmosphere, you can also be motivated to have sexually thoughts or these demonic desires.

Have you ever noticed how on social media the enemy uses these men and women that carry these demonic atmospheres to try and corrupt your atmosphere, which leaves us as believers with a greater mandate to take over all social platforms. After greeting some people, your thoughts become corrupted (demonic manipulations).

“And delivered just Lot, vexed with filthy conversation of the wicked.” (2 Peter 2:7, KJV).

Lot was vexed to compromise and when the angels came, the men in the city of Sodom wanted to sleep with the angels but Lot offered the them his daughters. Such compromise! No wonder the Bible says he was vexed to compromise. The culture and atmosphere of Sodom had corrupted Lot that even later his daughters slept with him.

Has your environment vexed you to compromise? Or are you influencing your environment for Christ? Some Christians use more swear words than unbelievers. We, as Christians carry the Holy Spirit. But if He is not stirred up in you, will you be able to stand in the toxic environment of your work place? Or even your home and nation? We stir up the Holy Spirit bu prayer , worship and being in the word. We are called to fellowship and we can to the Holy Spirit as a friend. We are to always be full of the Spirit

The only way to be able to shift the atmosphere around you is to be full of the Holy Spirit. When we started this series, I pointed out how there are portals around us to enter into the supernatural. But note that there are also demonic doors just as much as there are angelic doors. And the atmosphere around you attracts either demonic or angelic influence.

Today, I am calling you to influence your environment by being full of the Holy Spirit. Thank you!

Apostle Humphrey

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