Part 10
When an airplane was invented, it could only travel a short distance and could only carry a limited number of people. But because the manufacturers of our time took time to study the first model, they were able to develop it further beyond the understanding of the inventors. The same principle applies to our walk of faith. The apostles wrote down all they did so we could learn from them. Picking up from where they left the present-day church can walk in greater works. Some say power was only for the early church but I say lets learn and do more than the early church.
Faith in our generation has become a basic truth but in the time of the faith movement, it was a major truth. In some areas, faith is not regarded or valued as it was in the beginning. Believers have become weak because they now walk more in unbelief. When major miracles happen, some Christians are the first to criticise. I have seen blind eyes and deaf ears open. Miracles are not just for the past, but for now, too.
We should revisit and start practising the doctrines of old. I remember reading about smith Wigglesworth and how he stood on faith and many miracles were wrought through him. In his time, men believed you must wait for the Holy Spirit but he discovered the Holy Ghost was already released and it was just a matter of receiving him. I believe in visions and how each believer has access to the voice of God. His voice can manifest in a dream and even a trance.
We should not neglect the seemingly simple doctrines because if we build on the work these men did, we can have stronger structures and even healthier believers. Be a student. (2 Cor 11:3). The Lord said to me, Equip my children for the supernatural’ and I lay this structure on an already existing foundation. Faith is a key to walking in the supernatural.
In a night vision I saw a woman of God whom I highly revere from Mozambique. Her name is Heidi Baker. We walked to a riverbank and the river had seven divisions. I was afraid to cross because I thought I would drown. As I was thinking, Heidi crossed over to the other side. She had a stronger foundation in the word than I had at that time. When I look at her life I notice the faith she walks in and through this faith she has obeyed the word of God over her life.
When she arrived at the other side, there was a class of angels I had never seen before. Then the Lord said to get to where she is it takes sacrifice. If I had not been afraid and walked in faith I would have entered a new dimension of angelic ministry at that moment, but fear stopped me. Fear is the opposite of faith. Heidis work in Mozambique has seen thousands healed and many others turned to Christ. Testimonies of healings are a common thing in her ministry. Fear will stop you from sacrifice because it blinds you.
There is fear thats from the enemy but there is also reverential fear, which is godly fear. Godly fear may come during a vision because mans nature is flesh and flesh can be uncomfortable before God because of sin. I have learnt that some visions carry with them this godly fear.
When Daniel met the angel, his strength left him. I once prayed for a friend to encounter Jesus and at that moment Jesus entered the room. She was so afraid that she tried to hide behind a couch. In another incident, I prayed for a young lady and she said she saw the cross of Jesus but was afraid to proceed to the throne. Fear stopped her.
In another incident a woman of God she said a voice and a strong wind came into a room and she ran away in fear. She was so afraid of going back into the bedroom. She did not receive the full message because of fear. The supernatural is uncommon to the human mind and can be challenging during your first encounters. How then can you differentiate these two kinds of fears?
The word of God matures you to be able to discern reverential fear and ungodly fear. Without the word, one can miss a visitation. There is need to soak yourself in the word to increase your ability to discern. The word equips you and readies you for an encounter.
Apostle Humphrey
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