Understanding the Spiritual Realm
Part 1
Hot or Cold
When you look at water, it has three element structures. There is solid structure that comes from it being introduced to a cold atmosphere. In this atmosphere it takes up the shape of its container in that frozen state. Man has also three elementary manifestations of his gifts (1 Cor 12 vs. 1-10).
When under a cold atmosphere of demons and the devil, man takes the shape of his container, which is his body. Jesus said do not be lukewarm. It's either you are cold or hot (Rev 3 vs. 16). Your gift or calling cannot manifest when in a cold or frozen state. It can only show the flesh, which is the shape of its container (Your Body). Romans 8 explains that to be carnally-minded is death.
"That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan to flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you by the means of the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination]"
2 Timothy 1 vs. 6 Amplified Bible
So we should fan into flame the gift of God in us so that it can change the state from solid to liquid and then, finally, to vapour. When water is in its lowest state, which is ice, it cannot freely move. When your gift is in its lowest state, the flesh, it cannot be operational. You must add heat.
A man of God whom I highly revere, Prophet Uebert Angel, said the only difference between my anointing and yours is the heat. Many Christians are too cold. They don't pray and even fast or practice spiritual principles that bring heat.
The second state of water is liquid. In this state, it still takes the shape of the container but now can freely move within the container, unlike. That’s the second dimension of manifestation of your gifts where you can now prophesy, give a word of wisdom or word of knowledge and even manifest other gifts of the Spirit. But in this stage, you are still limited. Athough you can manifest these gifts, there is a tendency of being in the flesh. Because you’re still taking the shape of your flesh, there is still room for error.
The last and final stage of water that is vapour. In this state, it can no longer be shaped by its container but moves freely in the atmosphere. Likewise, in such a state, man is more aware of the spirit realm and can function from there without being limited by the flesh. He takes up his true nature, which is spirit, and begins to exhibit all the gifts in him.
I want to teach you about a dimension where man is no longer limited by the flesh but has become so much on fire that he functions in the spirit.
The spirit realm is beautiful, but just like water vapor can be easily blown away by the wind, man’s spirit can also be easily influenced by either the wind of God's Spirit or by the negative wind of demonic spirits.
The realm of the spirit is beautiful but Christians have only focused on it with little understanding. We are not created to function from the a lower state but a higher state, which is the spirit realm. Man has only understood the lower level of the spirit, which is the dimension where demons function from.
Join me in Part 2 as I teach you how to move beyond the second dimension and gain insight into he third dimension where God dwells.
I want you to fan to flames of the gift of God in you that you no longer live in the lower levels of the spirit. There is so much about the realm of the spirit that I want to share with you. I will be sharing and will be sharing Portals and Pathways on Mondays, Understanding the Spirit Realm on Wednesdays and Dream Dialogue on Fridays.
Keep following and learning. Comment and ask questions. This helps me know your thoughts and what you are learning.
God bless you!
Apostle Humphrey
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