Friday, 30 March 2018

Portals and Pathways part 22

Portals and pathways

 Part 22


Genesis 49 vs 21, "Naphtali is a hind let loose: he giveth goodly words."

When Israel blessed his children, he described Naphtali as "a hind". The Lord showed me how as a body we are like the tribe of Naphtali - evangelistic and freed to proclaim his good news. The Bible speaks of other tribes that possessed characteristics of different animals.

When you Look at Judah, he was referred to as a lion. These were not just names but symbols and you can see how the tribes possessed the attitude and character of the animals. Each animal was not only a symbol of a blessing. It was a pronouncement how those born in that tribe would function.

I have learnt from scripture, and through years of experience  interpreting dreams, how animal symbols have different prophetic meanings. Although at times some are negative, others are positive.

Horse -  is a symbol of authority and royalty.

Cattle - is a symbol of wealth and negative idols.

Snakes are often the most common animals in dreams or visions. When one encounters a snake, the first aspect they should look at is the colour.

Green snake - this is usually an attack on life or the source of life. Work and ministry are immediate examples.

Yellow snake - this is a bloodline spirit and usually has black lines.

Black snake - this is an idol or family altar and usually has different colour stripes to show area of attack.

Purple snake - this is a demonic spirit of discernment usualy a familiar spirit.

Brown snake - this is attacks all that you have sacrificed for and is ussualy a spirit of pride. Other animals that are common and have negative impact in a dream.

White snake - religious spirit, spiritualist, sangomas or any spirit of divination.

Monkey - destructive spirit. If there is a connection with a student, the student is playful at school. 

Snail - spirit of delay.

I will look at other symbols in my forthcoming book but I wanted you to be aware of how animals have both negative and positive symbols.

Although today I focused more on the negative. I have noticed that people have made conclusions about dreams and how at most there are negative. But I am  working on a manual that will open your eyes to understand your dreams much easier.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

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