Demonic Doors
"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia." (Daniel 10:13)
The prince of persia was a demonic system that operated in Persia. This demonic system was responsible for the governmental and daily lives of the individuals in the land of Babylon.
The Bible says the devil is the god of this world. Sadly, he has authority in so many spheres of the world. We regain this territory through the preaching of the word and prayer.
Demons have ranks and structures and the lowest ranking demons receive instructions from the the princes or principalities. Have you noticed how certain communities can be tormented by abortions and miscarriages or even high divorce rates? These are the activities of these principalities.
The angel was delivering a message to Daniel and this was a proclamation of deliverance to the people of Israel and the Prince of Persia was responsible for the bondage of Israel and did not want this message to come or for them to be free.
A message carries the action of what it says so the prince knew if he could stop the message, he would maintain the bondage. The gospel must be preached because it brings deliverance to its hearers.
The reason why certain messages are not accepted in your community is because the prince in that area knows the message will lift his hold on the people. This demonic system or Prince of Persia tried to even stop an angel sent with Daniel's answer and message to the people of Israel.
This demon had control of the spiritual doors into this great city and even angels sent by God would pass through this domain. There are spiritual gates into every place and this includes your workplace. If you have not taken the gates, you remain under whoever has control over them. Even as believers we have to take control of these gates to allow free course of the message ever for our promotion.
The book of Corinthians written by Apostle Paul speaks of a third heaven and scholars believe the second heaven is the domain where both demonic beings and God's angels operate from. This domain once belonged to Adam but he lost this domain when he lost his authority in the Garden of Eden.
This domain, when accessed by a human beings, can affect their life spiritually and bring change in whatever situations they may be facing. In this domain, the enemy attacks people's marriages and finances and can even affect their relationship with the God.
So, it is paramount that as believers we learn about this domain. Do not only learn about, but exercise authority. Whatever you don't dominate, dominates you.
These doors don't belong to the devil but we have surrendered them to him because we often don't know how to live in the spirit.
The Bible says to be fleshly minded is death (Romans 8). Most believers are not spiritual. They are ignorant about the realm of the spirit yet they're not fleshly creatures but spirits living in earthly bodies.
When the Prince of Persia attacked or tried to stop the answer the angel was carrying to Daniel, he allowed Daniel to gain insight about him.
Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, so when one gains knowledge, they receive keys to have dominion over whatever they have gained knowledge about.
Demons don't manifest easily because when they manifest, you have gained knowledge about them and can gain mastery over them. A lot of people are afraid of the enemy, especially when he manifests to them.
But when the enemy manifests, you have gained knowledge about them and can exercise dominion over them.
The Spirit of God taught me that authority comes in an area in which you have revelation. Let's look at it as fighting in the dark.When fighting in the dark, you can't see your enemy, therefore you can't defeat him. Revelation is like switching on the light. The word of God brings revelation about demonic activity and the light you have in any area allows you to gain mastery.
So when a demonic spirit manifest to you or you see them . Be happy because you have gained access to their world therefore now have light to see them and have mastery over them.Were though the name of Jesus can have Victory . When in a dream the enemy may attack you i would say to you wake up celebrating saying you have shown yourself let me show you my king .Have learnt through thousands of dream interpretations that most dreams are warning on the attacks or areas of bondange in your life.
They are doors all around us and there are access points into the realm of the spirit . If you learn to have mastery in the spirit nothing will ever defeat you in life.
Apostle Humphrey
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