Thursday, 12 April 2018

Portals and Pathways Part 28

Portals and Pathways

Part 28

Acquiring the ability to understand your dreams and even visions by unlocking deep secrets or even your own hidden feelings.

 The Lord warned king Nebuchadnezzar in a dream. The dream showed how he would lose his mind and would live among animals until he acknowledged God.

When Daniel interpreted the dream, he warned the king of the impending danger. But the king would not follow through the instructions.

Dreams can lock within themselves hidden feelings of the heart that can hinder your progress or even bring you failure.

Here is an example of a warning dream and the interpretation. A young lady once sent me a dream of how she noticed a young man of her age looking through a window as she was dressing and later her pastor in the same dream told her to break of the relationship with this boy. She told me how they where just friends.

When I interpreted the dream, I warned her how the young man has intentions and how the dream was a warning against them. That they should not be in a relationship and how the young man wanted to take advantage of her sexually.

 Some dreams carry warnings and a change in attitude can change any negative outcomes. If King Nebuchadnezzar would have changed his attitude it would have shifted God's judgement against him.

My prayer is that you will begin to look closely at every dream and that you will acquire an ability to interpret your own dream.

Every dream can lead to either your promotion if you follow through the instructions locked up within it. I have interpreted thousands of dreams and realised every dream carries different symbols but they can be uniform symbols.  Today will include a few symbols.

Five Animal dream symbols

1. Frog - spirit of lust

2: Black Panther - high level witchcraft, demonic activity, works in darkness.

3. Pig – Ignorance, hypocrisy, religious unbelievers, unclean people, selfish, gluttonous, vicious, vengeful.

4. Rat – feeds on garbage or impurities, unclean spirit, invader.

5. Octopus – Jezebel Spirit because of the tentacles

 Five Colour symbols

1. Red – Wisdom, anointing, & power Negative – anger, war.

2. Blue – revelation, communion Negative – depression, sorrow, anxiety.

3. Green – growth, prosperity, conscious Negative – envy, jealousy, pride.

4. Brown – compassion, humility Negative – compromise, humanism.

5. Gold/amber – purity, glory, holiness Negative – idolatry, defilement, licentiousness.

Number Symbols One to Ten

1 – God, Beginning, Source Unity (Gen 1:1; Eph 4:4-6; Jn 10:30; Jn 17:21-22)

2 - Multiplication/division/ union/ confirmation/ testimony/ witness (Gen 2:23-24; Matt 18:16; 1Kings 3:24-25; Gen 1:7-8)

3 - Godhead (Triune God) / Divine Completeness/perfection/resurrection/restoration (Mt 12:40; Mt 28:19; Ezek. 14:14-18)

4 – God’s creative works/ rule or to reign (Gen 1:14-19)

5 - Grace/redemption/ fivefold ministry (Eph 4:11; Gen 1:20-23)

6 – Man, beast, Satan (Gen 1:26-27)

7 – Perfection/completion/Rest/Blessing (Gen 2:1-3; Rev 10:7; Rev 16:17; Dt 15:1-2)

8 – New Beginnings (Teacher) (Gen 17:12; Lk 2:21-23; 1Pet 3:20)

9 - Judgment (Evangelist)/ finality / fullness/Harvest (Gal 5:22-23; 1Cor.12:8-10; Mt 27:45)

10 – Journey/ Wilderness/ law/ government/ responsibility (Pastor) (Ex 34:28)

Choose a few symbols to help you learn how to interpret your dreams.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

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