Part 25
The story of Nehemiah is one of the most inspiring stories in the Bible. Nehemiah did not see an angel or receive a specific prophetic word yet he was able to answer the call of God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
He was called in the same period with Ezra and he was able to finish the walls and gates in a record time of 50 days. This was such amazing speed for a man that had no specific word from God.
I have talked to a lot of ministers who are discouraged because they did not see angels or a vision of Jesus confirming the call of God on their life.
Some would say if you have not see Jesus you can not be an Apostle. The challenge with such a belief is that it stops many from pursuing the work of God because they would not have heard a spectacular encounter. The story of Nehemiah should be an inspiration to many. He was driven by a desire to see the walls of his nation, which represented its glory, restored.
Nehamiah had a deep understanding of the word and he restored Israel to the laws of God.
Can you be driven by the love for God's people and a desire to see his church established even if you have not seen a vision or had an earth-shattering encounter.
Let's work in the field of the Lord and join hands to fulfill his purpose. The reason why Nehemiah was able to rebuild Jerusalem was because he was able to work with different teams and tribes. We need to put our hands to the plough and reap a harvest for God.
Lets join hands to establish his purpose.
Apostle Humphrey
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