Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Portals and Pathways Part 24

Portals and Pathways

Part 24

King Saul never sought a personal relationship with God. Although he was the king of Israel, there is no mention of Saul ever going to seek God in the sanctuary or even thinking of building a house for the Lord. The scriptures mention how the king only sought God for personal gain and he often approached the Lord in the wrong way. This led to his lose of the throne.

Samuel was the prophet who anointed both King Saul and King David yet there is great difference between the two kings. One was a man of the spirit the other a fleshly man.

Unlike Saul, King David had an intimate relationship with God and constantly pursued his Maker. The Bible shows us the fruit of his relationship with God. The challenge with King Saul was that he did not know God or desire to know Him but he wanted the benefits that he could get from God.

The Lord desires fellowship and in the Bible he even came walking in the garden with the desire to spend time conversing with Adam.

 [1]By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but found him not [2]I will rise now, and go about the city in the streets, and in the broadways I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him but found him not. [3]The watchman that go about the city found me: to whom I said, saw ye him whom my soul loveth [4]It was but a little that I passed from them but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house and into her chamber of her that conceived me

Songs of Solomon 3vs.1-4

The woman in the above scripture woke up at night and found her lover gone. She immediately got up and went throughout the city in search of her lover. This shows a deep commitment to her relationship and as she went all over the city she meet the watch man who told her we have not seen your lover watch man are symbolic for ministers and shepherds put over God's flock. She passed the shepherds and found her lover just after the shepherds.

Her commitment to find her lover enabled her to find  him. You need such commitment in your pursuit of God. Develop a strong desire for fellowship. It is through such desire that knowledge is released. That knowledge allows you to discover a fresh relationship with God.

 I once read of a dear man of God who felt a burden to pray while walking in town. The atmosphere was not conducive for the type of prayer he wanted to make so he quickly got a hotel room and closed himself inside that room with a desire to just speak to the Lord. Such desire is a birthing place for an intimate relationship with God.

Let's push to the next level of fellowship.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

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