Saturday, 13 October 2018

Contact with the dead

Black Smith series.

King Saul wanted direction, but when God seemed as if he was silent, he became so desperate that he went to seek a medium.

The medium was to call back the spirit of the prophet Samuel who had recently died. But as the king of Israel, Saul knew God was against such practices. He had even instituted a law to kill all mediums and those that practiced sorcery.

But in his desperate moment, Saul compromised the values he once upheld. The Bible warns against such practices and says “why seek guidance from the dead when there is a living God?”

The rift between these worlds seems so thin because even after one has passed on, their family members and friends still have dreams and visions of them.

 Yet there is so much about death that a lot of people don't understand. When a person dies, they lose all rights to function in this physical world and can no longer affect the world beyond the works they left on earth?

The first law one has to understand is that anyone who has crossed over can't communicate with the living. Although the Bible does not say it is impossible, it stresses that once a person a has crossed over, they cannot interact with the living.

Many dreams are not interactions with the dead but the dead are just symbols of the messages that are being communicated. One example maybe a dream of a deceased grandfather, which can indicate positive or negative foundational issues dating back to his lifetime.

Remember that the dead cannot talk to the living but their images can be used as symbols. You cannot talk to a sign post because its purpose is limited to what it has been erected for. Some talk to the dead and open themselves up to interaction with the demonic spirits.

People often interact with demons in these encounters. You do not desire and even seek after a person when they have died. Let your dead remain dead. It becomes impossible to accept that my close friend or relative has passed on and at times a single word from them would allow one to move on.

But then the only reassurance we have is that when one has died in Christ we shall see them again. Some ask what if I still dream of them what should I do? The secret to any supernatural encounter is that it can be interpreted. Some are simple messages from God.

Remember, we said they are sign boards but a sign board gets to a season that its use expires. Some of the dreams are demonic, especially if the dead person calls you. Some have even passed on in their dreams because they answered the call of the spirit of death that took advantage of their ignorance and manipulated them.

Man has a hunger for the supernatural but the challenge is lack of knowledge of this dimension and how it impacts our daily lives. In ignorance, many open doors that bring them and their family into bondage when they try to contact the dead.

There is healthier way to seek the supernatural and that is through Jesus and God's word. There is world beyond the natural and it's supernatural. Don't seek the dead seek him who has risen from the dead that is Christ Jesus

Friday, 17 August 2018

Dream Dialogue


Joseph could have forgotten his dream because nothing in his surrounding showed signs of the fulfilment of this prophetic dream.

There is no greater Joy to our father than to see the fulfillment of the Word He released . He even said in the scriptures "my word shall not come back unto me void". God stood on the word he gave to Joseph as He is standing on the Word He has released to you.

Are you waiting on his Word  or you are now in a place you say . "was it you Lord"

Habbakuk 2 vs 3  For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Appointed time

Every prophetic word has an appointed day and time of fulfillment and at times if you don't know the appointed time for the manifestation of your dream or vision you may abort it or disqualify yourself from it.

What has the Lord shown you and did he release that word with an instructions.

The wisdom of Manoah

Manoah when his wife was given instructions on how they would raise samson and how at her old age would have a son. He asked of the Lord and said "O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born."

He asked for a confirmation to the word that was released. If you don't understand ask again because each prophetic word has specific instructions. When you fully understand the word released it is easier to tarry . What has he said to you.  What did he say to Joseph that He would   rule over his brothers or that he would save them.

What has the Lord shown you and did he release that word with an instructions.

Tarry it will come to pass

Note as well waiting on the promise is easier when you understand the nature of God.

intergrity is one of those aspects of God that makes him God. If he says it he will see its manifestations. He has never broken his word he even says
"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thingwhereto I sent it."




God bless you

Apostle Humphrey.

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Dream dialogue

Part 3

_And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and remain there until I bring you word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. *(Mathew 2 vs 13 NKJV)*_

The importance of a message is measured by the method of communication used to transmit it.

Effective communication is imperative and the best communicator is God because his communication ability transcends culture or tradition and there is nothing that can stop him from effectively transmitting a message.

When he decided to warn Joseph of the danger that was coming, he chose something as simple as a dream.

Dreams are night parables and it has been said that a parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

The Lord Jesus frequently used parables as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths. A dream carries pictures and information that you can relate with in your daily life.

Parables are stories that you can easily remember. Jesus employed many graphic analogies using common things that would be familiar to everyone. It is no wonder, therefore, that he still employs dreams in our time to communicate with us. He often uses the same pictures we can relate with.

What was your most memorable dream and how did you relate with it? How many dreams have you ignored that were meant to warn you of some danger ahead?

I have received testimonies of people who evaded trouble because of a dream. when Joseph the father of Jesus had that warning dream, he immediately acted upon the dream.

The family spent three years in Egypt until another dream came, instructing them to return home for he who sought to kill the child Jesus was now dead.

I was reading a book by Bishop Oyedepo in which he said he acts on the last instruction he received from God and won't move until a new one has been released.

_*Job 33 vs 14-16 (KJV)*, "For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction._

What instruction has been sealed up in your ears and do you have the interpretation?

Philip in the Bible asked the Ethiopian eunuch if he understood what he was reading. Today I ask you: do you understand your dreams?

Dreams are important and I urge you to tap into these night parables to discover God's instructions to you.

*Here are a few symbols to learn from*

 1.Gate – spiritual authority, entrance point for good or evil

2. Key – spiritual authority, colour of key is also important.

{a}Green key represents access to life.

{b}Silver key is a symbol of salvation.

{c}Gold key means divinity unlocked in your life.

3.Bee/hornet- painful, strong demonic attack

4.Butterfly – Freedom, flighty, fragile temporary glory, transformation

5.Flies – Evil spirits, filth of Satan’s
kingdom. Beelzebub -“Lord of the flies.”, live on dead
things, occultic

6.Grasshopper – destruction

7.Moth – symbol of destruction

8.Roach – Infestation, unclean spirits, hidden sin

9.Scorpion – Evil spirits, evil men, pinch of pain

10.Spider – occultic attack, witchcraft
Spider Web – place of demonic attack, ensnaring, a trap

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey .

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Black Smith Teaching Series

Part 5

There are regions in the spirit that have not been explored yet and these regions control unreached or the desolate regions of the world.

Until the light of God's word affects the people of a land, the inhabitants continue to live under a cloud of darkness.

Demons have inspired wars and some of the loss of blood experienced in different nations. Without the preaching of the cross and intercession, this world can be a chaotic mess.

Man's sinful nature is a destructive force. Look at some of the most violent regions in our time. These are found in the Arabic peninsula and so much blood is shed in those nations.

In some parts of Africa where there is bloodshed and chaos, one common aspect is that they have not opened their nations for the Gospel.

1 Corinthians 1 vs 18
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."

Could the preaching of the cross bring stability to war-torn regions of the world and can the Gospel change the state of a nation?

If we do not preach Christ, our families and nations may continue to be under the enemy's dark cloud of influence.

The best tool of warfare is the preaching of the Cross.

Proverbs 11 vs 30
"Fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."

 Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words. The last words Jesus left the apostles was to preach the gospel to the ends of the world and make disciples of all nations.

Have we preached this Gospel to the whole world? Your life is a message and an epistle because we are trees we should attract people to us by the fruits we produce.

People are not attracted to a dry, fruitless tree. The proverb win souls and use words was coined in the 20th century and is key to us achieving the commission of our Lord.

Fruits are not only physical wealth or natural achievements. The Bible says a good name is far better than silver and gold. But still wealth makes it easier for man to accept Christ's message through us. How many souls are accounted to your heavenly account?

One great evangelist's message titled "He Touched One But I Touched A Thousand" is a testimony of a single man who ministered to him and how, though he won him alone and even had no pulpit ministry, his single act of preaching the gospel in a class room was a seed for the kingdom for the millions the evangelist won.

Let's take back the dark regions of the spirit through the preaching of the cross. The Bible shows us that the wisest of men are soul winners.

How many have you touched by your life? The Lord has always said to me, "If  you testify about me, I manifest myself through you." He even said, "Those that speak about me, I testify about them in different places."

Win a soul for Jesus. Tell others about how he came to die for us on the cross of Calvary. Let's make sure every region receives the light of God's word.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Black Smith teaching series

Part 4

Pull Down The High Places

"He removed the high places, and brake the images, cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent that Moses had made for the children of Israel: for unto these days the children of Israel did burn incense to it: and called it Nehushtan."
(2 Kings 18 vs.4)

Hezekiah pulled down the altars that were established when the children of Israel came into Canaan.

When the brazen serpent was first introduced, it was made to deliver and save the children of Israel from death but it was not to remain after fulfilling its purpose.

God speaks and revelation is progressive . You should always seek a word and a revelation for today. The brazen serpent was introduced during Moses' time as an instruction from God but during the time of Hezekiah it had become part of the Israelites' idolatry as they were now worshipping it.

Never do something God has not instructed you to do. Seek God for today and when you receive an instruction, do not turn it into doctrine. (Mannna was always for that day)

 Each day he should reveal himself again  and again to you . I have a duty to pull down anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ. Our responsibility is to point men to Christ. Its not about man but God  ,lets not stick to unnecessary religous acts and practices.

The hardest thing as a minister is to seek God for a fresh word and leave the old, usual approach. Pharisees missed Jesus because they stuck to old tradition. Don't miss God.

Remember, the brazen serpent in the time of Moses was set up as an instruction from God but in the time of Hezekiah, it had become idolatry.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Black Smith teaching series

Part 3

One day God said to me, faith is your response to my word and if you act when I have not released a word, it's not faith.

You can walk into a car sales shop without my word and come out without a car because it's not faith but foolishness. The best place to start is the threshing floor or place of prayer where you seek and push me to release a word. And when I release that word, step out in faith.

If God has spoken and you act out that word in faith, it does not matter what it is that he said, he will do it. The Bible speaks of women who received their dead back to life. The best place to look for his word is in the Bible and when you receive revelation, you can act out your faith.

The easiest way to receive a word is by allowing a man of God to speak a word over your life. If there is no specific word, it is not faith and God himself can speak but you have to be familiar with him. But then, believers are now too lazy to wait in the place of prayer for the word.

 Most of the things you desire in this life are locked up in two areas, his word and prayer, and you can receive a rhema word from him and when you act on it, there is nothing that shall be impossible. The Bible says you will say to this mountain move and it will move. Those that move mountains carry the rhema word of God.

Can I challenge you to seek a fresh word from him and when you receive it, walk by faith and possess whatever he would have promised. What is his promise for your marriage, prosperity or ministry? Seek his word and respond to that word for your miracle.

My definition of faith is that faith is the response of the human spirit to the word of God. If he has not spoken, it is not faith. Seek a word from him.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

The man who walks with God

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Part 7

Over the past years, I have interacted with a few people who had encounters. Most of the times, they would say it was a scary experience and because of their fear, they were not able to push forward and hear properly the message they were given.

Why is this dimension so scary even when man is so curious about it. Man can live his whole life surrounded by this majestic dimension of the supernatural and not see it. Yet upon death, he immediately sees this place. The death of the flesh opens one's spiritual eyes to see in this place.

So, does it mean those that experience the supernatural are the walking dead? I once preached a message titled The Walking Dead and preached saying there is a level of God you will never experience if you are still alive to the world. The walking dead do not have any fears. Supernatural experiences are normal to them. These people have died to the world and its passions and because of this, they have become more alive spiritually.

The question is: how does one die and become the walking dead?

Romans 6:8
"Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him."

When we accepted Jesus as Lord over our lives and became Christians, we also died with him. And though we died with him, some can continue to live because they will not put to death there flesh. It is a personal decision to deal with the flesh and it's lustful tendencies.

If we don't die, the spiritual remains a mystery. I choose to be the walking dead. Will you be among the walking dead and begin to to live a life beyond the flesh? A life where the supernatural becomes natural and visions common.

God bless you

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 22 June 2018

Black smith teaching series

Teach me to fight

Part 2

Ps 144 vs 1
"Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight."

It is a challenge that a lot of believers want honey but they don't want to deal with the bees. Every inheritance without a battle is superficial. David asked God to teach his hands to war . How do you fight these spiritual battles and what guarantees one's victory?

Every emeny has unique strengths and weaknesses. But don't ever make the mistake of asumming your enemy is powerless or has no strength. Our enemy is the devil and he has so many soldiers in his army from his air support, which are the principalities, to his foot soldiers which are demonic spirits.

Each regimant responds differently in the battle. The mind is a place of battle. The enemy we are dealing with is wise and has learnt how to input his thoughts in your mind that you begin to think they are your thoughts.

I once spoke to a young gentleman who was constantly tormented by sexual thoughts that he stopped fighting them and later accepted them to be his thoughts, which pushed him into a life of sin. Those thoughts were arrows sent by the eneny but were comaflaged as his own.

There are some people who constantly meditate on giving up their work while others are overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts. These are not your thoughts but the enemy's. The only way to have victory is to take every thought captive by bringing it into subjection to the word of God.

During the course of the day, how many thoughts were your own and how many have been footprints of the enemy in your mind? The challenge with this battle is that many soldiers have been defeated because they have believed the enemy's thoughts and lies of failure to be their own and fallen along the way.

 It's time you learn how to fight. With every demonic system there are different  strategies. Some demons focus on making you have low self esteem, some depressions, jealous and some murderous thoughts. It's up to you to separate them and deal with them.

Refuse to be the playing ground of the enemy.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Black smith teaching series

Part 1

What Leads to Apostasy?

"And if thou wilt walk before me, as David they father walked in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and will keep my statues and judgements..."
1 Kings 9vs.4

The word 'walk' used in the above scripture indicates a relationship with God. There are things mentioned above that are requirements for a perfect walk with God and the first one is integrity.

The word integrity means to adhere to moral and ethical principles, soundness of moral character. Walking in integrity is to be blameless and to be accountable for one's actions such that men can attest that, indeed, you are a Christian.

When the prophet Nathan rebuked David over his sin of taking Bathsheba the wife of Uriah, he fasted and sought the Lord. Also, when David numbered the children of Israel and God was angry at him, he cried out to the Lord for forgiveness and made a sacrifice unto God seeking his mercy.

As a child of God, if you get to a point where you cannot be corrected or you can never be accountable to any man, you are in a dangerous position. The most difficult thing is to see that a gifted believer has fallen because there can still be signs and manifestations of power. Yet he would have fallen a long time ago.

The only person who knows is you although the fruits of a broken relationship with God can be evident.

"For it IS IMPOSSIBLE for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were partakers of the holy ghost and have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the son of God afresh, and put him to open shame."
Hebrews 6 vs.4-6

 It is hard for any man who has reached the state mentioned in the above scripture to be corrected because he may have reached that point beyond redemption, where he can no longer be brought to repentance.

Never ignore the Spirit of God to a point of apostasy. Allow the Spirit to lead you and correct you always.

Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm.

Understanding the Spiritual Realm

Part 6

The less spiritual activity or the absence of believers on fire for God creates cold regions in the spirit which necessitates the need for the few believers to have (spiritual) protective clothing otherwise they would be subjected to the cold conditions in that atmosphere (Eph 6 vs 10 -18).

 If someone is exposed to cold while inadequately protected, their body will first try to generate more heat through shivering to maintain a normal body temperature.

Shivering, which can also be a sign of fear, is an indicator of spiritual weakness. When the spirit man is subjected to cold spiritual conditions, the first sign is fear and becoming weak in their prayers and in the word.

If the body can't stay warm by these means, it will start trying to reduce heat loss by decreasing blood flow to the extremities to minimize cooling. Blood is a symbol of life and if blood stops flowing normally it means less effectiveness of the body.

The more the spirit man is subjected to cold conditions, the more life becomes harder for the individual as things stop flowing well in their life.

Finally, if the loss of heat carries on despite these measures, the body will slow its metabolism to minimize its need for fresh blood flow and oxygen supply. The more heat loss the more one resents life and at most depression, or even suicidal tendences, begin to torment the person subjected to these negative conditions.

The lower the temperature gets, the more difficult performing tasks becomes. Causing even slow reaction times and impair judgment leading to poor decisions. Imagine that if cold weather conditions and loss of body temperature can cause us to make make impaired dicisions, what about cold spiritual conditions? They have affected a lot of people's decison-making abilities and even caused unfruitfulness in many.

At this stage, the body has effectively stopped trying to keep itself warm and some final steps are taken to avoid death. There is such a thing as spiritual death and at this stage, man has lost all consciousness of God and life and all their attempts at life become useless.

Death is the absence of God in any activity, which opens up a door for the devil to corrupt and influence a thing. Let's make sure the nations and cities we live in are hot for Jesus lest we cause residents of that city to die.

We have so much work to do.

God bless you!

 Apostle Humphrey
The man who walks with God

Monday, 11 June 2018

Portals and Pathways

Portals and Pathways

 Part 36

Creating Portals

There are spiritual laws that spell out that spiritual beings cannot function on earth without a body or cannot walk in the Spirit realm with his earthly body. But these principles have been broken and can be broken.

The first man we see who broke this law was Enoch who walked into heaven with his physical body and did not come back (Hebrews 11 vs 5).

How is it that Enoch was able to break this principle? The Bible does not unravel his entire life to us, or the steps he took in order to manipulate a spiritual law.

Although Enoch is not the only man whom the Bible tells us was carried into heaven with his natural body, his life is more interesting because the Bible says he walked with God. Other versions say Enoch lived in constant fellowship with God. Could it be that this fellowship was the gateway for his translation?

As I looked into stories of men and women who have been carried off to heaven, I realised no one ever disclosed why they were carried off to heaven nor that they participated in this realm with their body .Most of these man and woman participate in the spirit through there spirit not there flesh. Yet Enoch was carried off.

In my book, Enoch Generation, I highlight how we are called to the same fellowship Enoch had with God and how this fellowship willl trigger us to heaven or to experince rapture.

In Genesis 6, angels were also said to have manipulated this same spiritual law but for them it had negative impact because we read in the book of Jude that they were arrested.

These angels were arrested because they operated outside God's will. There are examples of angels like Gabriel who manifested themselves to man and never meet the same fate as those in Genesis 6 because angels like Gabriel manifested in line with God's purpose.

This has made me look at men who entered the heaven with their bodies. The Bible does not speak of any negative repercussions because such entries were in line with God's will and desire for us. God is still looking and saying: will there be a man or woman or man that will see me like Enoch did and trigger the gates of heaven to open for them?

In our time, it is easier because the blood of Jesus covers us but spiritual experiences seem to be for a few. Why are we blind to the truth that Enoch understood? There is a place of fellowship that Enoch reached that allowed him to begin to manifest the same character as God and to put on the nature of God that Heaven had to accomodate him.

You can please God so much that your body can have access to the dimensions men can only imagine. My next book in the Enoch Generation series will be called Secrets to Pleasing God. But today, I want you to reach out by faith and walk into heaven.

God bless you...

Apostle Humphrey
The man who walks with God

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Understanding the Spiritual Realm

Part 5

When God spoke, he programmed the seed to carry the genetic information of whatever tree species it represented. Every living thing, including water, has information within it and this information is the code put in all living things when they were created.

It is no wonder, then, that Jesus spoke to the waves of a boisterous sea. The waves recognised the voice because everything was programmed by the word of God and responds to it. The Bible declares that everything that has a name responds to the name of Jesus and His word.

A mango seed will produce mango tree because during creation, God spoke and his word does not change. The realm of the spirit is made up of words because everything is held together by the very word of God. Have you ever cracked open a seed and saw leaves inside? No. You cannot see leaves. But you know when you plant the seed, leaves will come out.

This is the same response you should have to the realm of the spirit. The realm of the spirit hides its secrets to those that are ignorant of its nature, like how a seed carries life and information and through faith you plant it. You must believe that to also function in the spirit, it does not have to make sense to you and neither do you have to understand it through your mental abilities.

Your thoughts, dreams and imagination are gateways to seeing in the spirit. Many have seen visions but have quickly cancelled them off because they seemed too unreal or simple. If you don't faithfully steward visions you receive through your imagination, it's hard to tap into the deep things of the spirit.

The reason why many are not masters of the spirit realm is because they miss it while looking for what it is not. The realm of the spirit is a dimension where one receives tonnes of information but this is through the spirit and usually these can appear like your every day thoughts.

Joseph, the father of Jesus, had a dream, which was a direct instruction from God, yet it came through a dream. The reason why many who have heard interactions in the spirit have missed it is because they where expecting more than what was relaesed.

I remember a vision in which I saw three objects and only later, through revelation, realised that it was a major encounter. Just a world map, a chariot and a lion were used by the Lord to tell me about my whole life. Many have cracked open a seed looking for the branches yet the information within that seed carried the branches and they could not see it.

Don't be blind to the subtle messages of God in the spirit that can shift your whole life. The spirit realm is so simple that many miss it.

 Apostle Humphrey

The man who walks with God

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Understanding the Spiritual Realm

Part Four

The Arctic affects the climate of the whole world and determines the low and high weather conditions all over the world.

So, world scientists monitor that single region and the changes that occur there.

As Christians, we are duty-bound to study the spiritual state of Israel and   israel determines the spiritual state of the whole world. Like how the Arctic affects the whole world's climate, the nation of Israel also affects the spritual climate of the whole world.

 The entire land of Israel, including Jerusalem, is a portal into heaven and a gateway for major encounters and so much has been shifting for that nation. Recently, United States President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem to be the new home for their nation's embassy.

This is a shift also for the body of Christ because it has opened doors for the church in the affairs of the nations. The number 70 is a symbol of restoration and also key to the prophetic because it speaks of discernment. So as Israel is celebrating 70 years, as the Church, we are walking into a season of restoration as well. Seventy was also the time determined for israel to be freed from captivity in the days of Daniel.  Seventy was also the number of elders choosen in the days of Moses . When you then look at all the various meanings of 70 you can determine the full purpose of the church in our generation.

The Arctic also accounts for some of the negative weather conditions experienced all over the world. When you study the political situation of that nation, your eyes are opened to see the manifestations of God in our time.

Israel is celebarting 70 years of independence and, as I indicated earlier, 70 is a symbol of the restoration as well as the prophetic . A major event happened during this period in the nation of America when it acknowledged that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and moved their embassy to Jerusalem. There are physical landmarks within Isreal that point to God and the relationship he has with men.

When you look at the physical state of some nations, you can discern the spiritual state of its people. America, because it favours Isreal, it has experienced great prosperity. When you look into the Word, the book of Daniel speaks of the prince of Persia and in Ezekiel, it speaks of the prince of Trye. These princes determined the political and the daily lifestyles of the regions they ruled.

Remember, in Part 3, I said dry regions are places of low spiritual activity and places or locations with low positive spiritual activity or cold SPIRITUAL conditions. The reason for these low conditions is the prince over thats area.

A prince can say within my domain I will employ demons of poverty and even some demons of sexual sin and as these demons possess and torment individuals in the land, the prince maintains his position.

At times as believers we don't have influence spiritually to affect or bring down this prince. But through the preaching of the word we can take his influence over a nation because he maintains control because of the mindset of the people and the work of his foot soldiers.

Let's preach the word to bring down the princes in different locations.

God blesss you!

Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Part 3

Rev 1 vs 10
"I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet."

Some say the opposite of the realm of the spirit is to live according to the flesh and the opposite of living in the spirit is to live in the flesh. Could it be that when the Apostle John said on the Lord's day I was in the spirit, he had been in the flesh before?

That can not be possible because Apostle Paul said to be fleshy minded is death. John was a man of the spirit and lived in the spirit  yet on the Lord's Day he says; he was in the spirit. What then is it to be in the spirit?

The scripture speaks of being in the spirit of prophecy. Could it be within the realm of the spirit there are different locations and each location has a different manifestation in the natural?

 Let's look at it from the water cycle again. There are different weather patterns in different areas because of the different atmospheric pressures in that region.

The Bible speaks of how demons wonder in dry places after they have been cast out. Could these dry areas be because of the atmospheric pressure in the spirit that causes specific areas to become dry? What are these dry areas? Remember, in the first and second season I mentioned that rain is a manifestation of spiritual activity. I also said rain is a blessing.

I believe the dry areas are those places that are dry spiritually and where spiritual activity is not necessarily positive. Although the negative can bring rain, the fruits don't have life to sustain positive growth in people. So, when the Apostle John said he was in the spirit, he had entered into a prophetic zone where his eyes became open to see so many visions.

 There are regions in the spirit and all of them produce different results on the earth. Paul speaks of the third heaven and if there is a third heaven, there is a second heaven. How then can one have understanding of these dimensions and can experiences in these places impact one's life. The spirit governs the natural realm and to master the spirit is to master life. I have seen how some people realised success just by following spiritual principles.

I want to show you different regions in the spirit and how to operate in them to have success in life.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 18 May 2018

Drean dialogue

Dream Dialogue

Part 2

Psalms 40 vs 7
Then I said, “Behold, I have come; in the scroll of the book it is written of me:"

God pre-ordained your life. The star that appeared to the wise men appeared some time before the master's birth because when it appeared they had to travel a great deal before they would see Jesus in the city of David.

The wise men arrived shortly after the master's birth yet the star that announced his birth appeared months before. When you look at every person who participated in Jesus' life, it seems like they where following a well-written script.

Neither Joseph nor the wise men made a mistake.  Step by step, the Bible would confirm their success.

 Mathew 2 vs 12
Being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

The wise men were able first to read the star that announced the birth of Jesus. I Wrote in my book, Theophany, about how God uses nature to conmunicate to us and gave biblical examples. In the Jewish culture, they understood the language of the stars and yet, as Christians, we have ignored the basic language of nature.

By reading the signs provided by God through nature, the wise men were able to understand the plans of God. In Joel Chapter 2, the Bible speaks of signs like...

1. Wonders in the heavens and in the earth (blood, fire and pillars of smoke).
2. The sun shall be turned into darkness
3. The moon into blood

These are signs that shall appear before the great and the terrible day of the LORD.

The star appeared over Bethlehem and though the Bible does not say it appeared and was visisble to many, the wise men were the only ones who could read and understand its meaning.

When Herod was told the time it appeared, he was able to calculate the probable age of the Master yet when the star appeared he missed it. The Lord's voice is in many things and he uses so many objects to communicate to us.

 The wise men were also warned in a dream not to go back to Herod. How many times have you ignored his voice or even missed it? I rememeber one day I woke up with a painful blister on my finger. It was so bad I had to absent myself from work that day. The company vehicle had an accident and the strange thing was that the following day my finger was normal. Could it have been the Lord's way of preserving my life? One of my workmates had to spend three months in hospital as a result of the accident.

The Lord's wisdom is beyond simple human understanding and he can use anything and anyone to communicate or pass on his message.

In this series, we want to look at his various methods of speaking and we also focus on dreams and the symbols locked up in each dream.

God bless you!

 Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Understanding the spiritual realm

Understanding the Spiritual Realm

Part 2

Precipitation is one key to the water cycle. Rain comes from clouds, but where do clouds come from? In the first part of the series, Understanding the Realm of the Spirit, we looked at how the water cycle is a perfect description of how a man functions in the spirit.

Rain is a symbol of blessing and the Bible says if the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth. When you allow the 3rd state of water, that is vapour, to become grounded in the spirit, that's becoming a cloud (condensation). That cloud will release the things you have been believing God for into the earth. Let's break it down a bit.

Through the process of evaporation and transpiration, water moves into the atmosphere. Water vapour then joins with dust particles to create clouds. Eventually, water returns to earth as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet and hail.

Dust can be resistance that one faces in life and when you respond to the situations spritually, that's from the realm of the spirit you become grounded in the spirit.

Clouds are water vapour that has formed and gathered and, later, produces rain. So when you begin to react to situations spiritually, you become grounded and, finally, that situation shifts because the spiritual realm controls the natural.

When on earth, rain causes life and the fruits of your functionality in the spirit will produce fruits in your earthly life.

All clouds contain water vapour. You rarely ever see clouds in the desert because there is very little water to evaporate and form clouds. Coastal regions can receive a lot of rain because they pull up moisture from surrounding waters.

Clouds don't form over dry areas. Some areas become dry spiritually because we have neglected the water of God's presence. The beauty of this story is that your life can impact others because dry areas can have rain since the clouds can move from your life to cause blessing in other people's lives.

How is your life impacting others? A life in the spirit is a life that affects others. In Part 1, we said water in a cold state is limited by the body and today we noticed the resistance around you is to allow you to have roots in the spirit and as you begin to function from the spirit, there will be greater fruit in your life.

 In the second dimension, there are demons and negative princes and for you to live or function in the third dimension, you will first face resistance in the second dimension. The reason whey a lot of believers never function from the third dimension is because they run away from resistance and allow the wind to blow them away. For this reason, they don't become grounded in the spirit.

Why are you so afraid and give up easily? Some vapour will not become clouds because they don't mix with clouds and salt allowing them to gather spritually? Resistance allows you to be grounded. When you are grounded, rain can come from you and rain is the blessing or breakthrough you want.

God bless you...

Apostle Humphrey

Monday, 14 May 2018

Portals and Pathways

Portals and Pathways

Part 35

1 Samuel 18:1 (English Standard Version)
As soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

1 Samuel 18:1 (King James Bible)
And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.

Jonathan was the rightful heir to the throne in Isreal but David was the Lord's choice. Even though David was annointed king, there were spiritual acts that had to happen to allow him to be positioned to be the next king of Israel.

The Lord caused Jonathan to love David and support him as king over Israel. Jonathan's words positioned David for the throne. And the soul tie between the two allowed Jonathan to release the kingship inheritance to David. A soul tie has power to shift ones destiny. A soul tie is like a linkage in the soul realm between two people. It links their souls together, which can bring fourth both beneficial results or negative results.

David's soul was tied to Jonathan and shifted the kingship from the house of Saul to the house of David. People have assumed that a soul tie is only between male and female but a soul tie can be between friends of the same sex. Have you ever noticed friends who behave in the same way and even start thinking at the same dimension and making the same kinds of decisions?

The main purpose of soul ties is for marriage. God links the two, man and woman, together and the Bible tells us that they become one flesh. As a result of them becoming one flesh, it binds them together and they will cleave onto one another in a unique way. The purpose of this cleaving is to build a very healthy, strong and close relationship between a man and a woman.

Matthew 19:5, "And he said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh."

Soul ties can have a negative effect on a person because some people have inherited wars that are not theirs and some have been fighting their friends' battles. When David inherited the kingship grace, he also inherited the responsibilities that Jonathan had and that's why later he began to take care of Jonathan's son, Mephibosheth.

We have assumed the friends around us are friends but some people have inherited unnecessary battles because of their connections. As you read this, your eyes are open to see the doors opened through connections you have. Whose wars are you fighting?

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 11 May 2018

Dream Dialogue Part 1

Dream Dialogue

Part 1

 Ezekiel 1 vs. 1
"Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God." (KJV)

The prophet Ezekiel had the most amazing spiritual experience. From the four living creatures, through the valley of dry bones and the warning to the shepherds to the measuring of the temple. There are so many other encounters and revelations within the book. The Old Testament prophets did not have the Holy Spirit in his fullness like we do and to them the realm of the spirit was a place they would be invited to.

The New Testament believer, however, lives in the spirit and has an added advantage because of the indwelling presence of God. The Spirit that carried Prophet Ezekiel into the valley of dry bones is in you.

 Because of the Spirit of the Lord, Prophet Ezekiel was enabled to see and participate in the realm of the spirit.

Maybe you are wondering: if I have the Spirit of God in his full measure, why have I not experinced such visions like prophet Ezekiel or even posses the wisdom that Daniel had? It's simple. Your flesh has quietened the voice of God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit respects your choices and we have to seek after him and ask him to manifest himself through us.

The relationship with God the father and Jesus is automatic but our relationship with the Spirit of God is sought after. When you seek after him, he begins to teach you his language. How does the Spirit of God speak? He has a language uniquely designed for you and him.

His voice is in the Word of God. Through the Word, you discover the ways he directed or spoke to men in times past. God has a strong desire to speak and fellowship with man through his Spirit and his Word.

The secret is that his Word can be delivered to us in different forms. In this series, The Dream Dialogue, we will look at the Word to demonstrate how God speaks. We will look at the Word and discover his voice.

Through this series, I want you to understand our relationship with the Holy Spirit is not automatic but you must seek it.

As I was preparing this series, the Lord showed me a chariot and when I asked about it,  he said prepare my children for major spiritual encounters.

As people will follow the blog series, Dream Dialogue, they will begin to experience God at a higher dimesion.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Understanding The Spiritual Realm

Understanding the Spiritual Realm

Part 1

 Hot or Cold

When you look at water, it has three element structures. There is solid structure that comes from it being introduced to a cold atmosphere. In this atmosphere it takes up the shape of its container in that frozen state. Man has also three elementary manifestations of his gifts (1 Cor 12 vs. 1-10).

When under a cold atmosphere of demons and the devil, man takes the shape of his container, which is his body. Jesus said do not be lukewarm. It's either you are cold or hot (Rev 3 vs. 16). Your gift or calling cannot manifest when in a cold or frozen state. It can only show the flesh, which is the shape of  its container (Your Body). Romans 8 explains that to be carnally-minded is death.

"That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan to flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you by the means of the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination]"
2 Timothy 1 vs. 6 Amplified Bible

So we should fan into flame the gift of God in us so that it can change the state from solid to liquid and then, finally, to vapour. When water is in its lowest state, which is ice, it cannot freely move. When your gift is in its lowest state, the flesh, it cannot be operational. You must add heat.

A man of God whom I highly revere, Prophet Uebert Angel,  said the only difference between my anointing and yours is the heat. Many Christians are too cold. They don't pray and even fast or practice spiritual principles that bring heat.

The second state of water is liquid. In this state, it still takes the shape of the container but now can freely move within the container, unlike. That’s the second dimension of manifestation of your gifts where you can now prophesy, give a word of wisdom or word of knowledge and even manifest other gifts of the Spirit. But in this stage, you are still limited. Athough you can manifest these gifts, there is a tendency of being in the flesh. Because you’re still taking the shape of your flesh, there is still room for error.

The last and final stage of water that is vapour. In this state,  it can no longer be shaped by its container but moves freely in the atmosphere. Likewise, in such a state, man is more aware of the spirit realm and can function from there without being limited by the flesh. He takes up his true nature, which is spirit, and begins to exhibit all the gifts in him.

I want to teach you about a dimension where man is no longer limited by the flesh but has become so much on fire that he functions in the spirit.

The spirit realm is beautiful, but just like water vapor can be easily blown away by the wind, man’s spirit can also be easily influenced by either the wind of God's Spirit or by the negative wind of demonic spirits.

The realm of the spirit is beautiful but Christians have only focused on it with little understanding. We are not created to function from the a lower state but a higher state, which is the spirit realm. Man has only understood the lower level of the spirit, which is the dimension where demons function from.

Join me in Part 2 as I teach you how to move beyond the second dimension and gain insight into he third dimension where God dwells.

I want you to fan to flames of the gift of God in you that you no longer live in the lower levels of the spirit. There is so much about the realm of the spirit that I want to share with you. I will be sharing and will be sharing Portals and Pathways on Mondays, Understanding the Spirit Realm on Wednesdays and Dream Dialogue on Fridays.

 Keep following and learning. Comment and ask questions. This helps me know your thoughts and what you are learning.

God bless you!


Apostle Humphrey

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Portals and Pathways part 34

Portals and Pathways

Part 34

There is joy that comes only from God's  presence. David expressed himself by dancing for God.

I have seen people laughing yet inside they are broken. Some pay comedians to get them to laugh yet even in that place of laughter, it's like just numbing the pain. The laughter that the comedy stirs in them is often not joyful.

There is a place in God where you can experience joy and peace in the most terrible of situations. James said count it all joy when you fall into diverse situations. Imagine that after the devil has thrown his best shot at you, you still come out laughing and joyful.

Learn to see God in all situations and to celebrate all in all situations.

 Today I want you to allow His Spirit to bring you joy and dance for him like David did.

God bless you!

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 27 April 2018

Portals and Pathways part 33

Portals and Pathways

Part 33

Dream Dialogue

"He that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath." (Mark 4 vs 25)

It seems unfair that those that have seem to increase while those that have not even lose the little they have.

This principle is at work in the world we leave in. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Those with cars seem to buy more cars. Those with houses seem to buy more properties.

The secret why those that have keep increasing is because they had been good stewards from the beginning. The principals they used to get the first house will allow them to get the second and third.

 Stewardship also works in the things of God. If you are not faithful with the dreams or the visions the Lord gives you, they stop but if you are faithful, they increase. If you are not faithful with the talents and gifts you are given, they stop, but if you are faithful, they increase with each day.

In one of his testimonies, Rick Joyner said there was a period he did not have dreams and he asked God why he no longer revealed Himself through dreams. Then the Lord told him it was because he had not taken the earlier dreams seriously.

 He lost God's leading through dreams because he was not faithful with the little he had. The principle says he that hath, to him shall be given more.

Are you be faithful with the little you have received? Nurture it and grow it by using it and you will be suprised the increase that will come.

Stewardship: The Key to Increase in Dreams

(1) Stewardship is the key for growth in EVERY area of our life!

(2) Stewarding what you have is the way to receive more. Do you want more dreams? Then make sure to carefully steward the ones that He has already given you. Do you want more revelation and understanding of the Word? Then make sure you carefully steward the Word that He has released to you already.

(3) Occasionally ask the Lord if there are ANY areas of your life that He would like you to steward better.

(4) Sometimes the Lord will tell you to steward an area that has NOTHING to do with the area that you yearn to see growth in.

(5) Luke 19:12-27 is a perfect example of this. The servants stewarded some money well and were rewarded by being rulers over CITIES.

Thank you and God bless you.

 Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Portals and Pathways part 32

Portals and Pathways

 Part 33

Secrets revealed.

Daniel 2 vs 22 
"He explains difficult problems and secret things. He knows about all things, even when they are in dark places. But he lives in the light." (Easy English Translation)

There are secret things and things in dark places that man has no knowledge of.

Negative altars and curses are hidden in dark places and most people do not have revelation of these altars, that why they continue to walk in bondage.

There are also treasures in these hidden places so one may die poor without having knowledge of the wealth that has been released to them.

You can sleep on a hungry stomach without knowledge of a $50 bill you dropped under your bed a few weeks back.

There are so many things that are hidden to natural man yet can be a blessing if discovered.

So, if this wealth is hidden, how can how discover it?

Duet 29 vs 29 
"The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law." (KJV).

Moses showed us that every piece of knowledge released to man belongs to us and you can have access to the knowledge key to success or deliverance is in information. Moses said if such knowledge was released to another  man, you have access to it.

Let me break it down: every wealthy person is rich because of the knowledge they have. Moses, through God's Spirit, tells us if someone was able to make it manifest and has used that information, I  can also have access to it.

The secret any rich man used to be wealthy is in the information he possessed and that information is what you need to prosper.  Through the Spirit of God, you can have access to wealth by tapping into this information through your spirit.

The more I grow in the things of God, the easier it is to tap into this reservoirs of knowledge.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Portals and Pathways part 32

Portals and Pathways

Part 32

Dream dialogue

Job 33 vs 16
"Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction."

As Joseph lay on his bed, an angel of the Lord came with a message for him to take Mary to be his wife. I have always said messages given to Joseph were of great importance yet God always spoke to him through dreams.

Dreams are important and history has recorded stories of men who dared to acknowledge how they received inspiration through dreams. Some of these men impacted history through those revelations of the night.

The Bible says God seals instructions in our ears at night and if only you can allow yourself to remember these instructions, you could even get a cure for HIV or even cancer. There is no limitation to how much God can teach or give to men in their dreams.

Genesis 41 vs 14 to 49 speaks of how Joseph saved a whole nation from starvation and even preserved his family just by interpreting Pharaoh's dream. He not only had wisdom to interpret but the understanding to apply the interpretation as well.


Dream One

Otto Loewi: Nerve Impulse Breakthrough

Otto Loewi was a German-born pharmacologist whose discovery of acetylcholine (ironically, a neurotransmitter which promotes dreaming) helped advance medical therapy. The discovery earned him a Nobel Prize 13 years later. However, he is almost as famous for the means by which he discovered it, as he is for the discovery itself.

In 1921, Loewi dreamed of an experiment that would prove once and for all that transmission of nerve impulses was chemical - not electrical. He woke up, scribbled the experiment down, and went back to sleep. The next morning, he arose excited to try his experiment but was horrified to find he couldn't read his midnight ramblings. That day, he said, was the longest day of his life, as he tried but failed to recall his dream.

The following night, however, he had the same dream and upon awakening went directly to his lab to prove the Noble Prize-winning theory of chemical transmission of the nervous impulse.

Dream Two

Frederick Banting: Advances in Medicine

After his mother passed away from diabetes, Frederick Banting was motivated to find a cure. Eventually he found the next best thing: a treatment using insulin injections which, though not a true cure, could at least significantly extend the lifespan of sufferers. The discovery won him a Nobel Prize in Medicine at just 32 years old.

Although he lacked knowledge of diabetes and clinical research, his unique knowledge of surgery combined with his assistant Charles Best's knowledge of diabetes made the ideal research team. While seeking to isolate the exact cause of diabetes, Banting had a dream in which he was instructed telling to surgically ligate (tie up) the pancreas of a diabetic dog in order to stop the flow of nourishment. He did - and discovered a disproportionate balance between sugar and insulin.

This breakthrough led to another dream that revealed how to develop insulin as a drug to treat the condition.

Banting was named Canada's first Professor of Medical Research and by 1923, he was the most famous man in the country. He received letters and gifts from hundreds of grateful diabetics from all over the world, and since then insulin has saved or transformed the lives of millions of people.

Dare to believe your dreams and desire understanding your dream could lead to the next greatest discovery by man.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 20 April 2018

Portals and Pathways part 31

Portals and Pathway

Part 31

Dream Dialogue

Every symbol within a dream is important to understand. I have learnt through years of experience that these symbols are not the final interpretations but just tools to help you unlock the meaning of the dream.

A dog, in some dreams, is a symbol of a demonic spirit while in others in can symbolise an angelic helper. So when interpreting a dream, symbols are important but the key is application.

Application of the symbols is the key to dream interpretation. There are many books on symbols but they often apply them wrongly.

I remember one day a young lady said, "Man of God, yes you can interpret but you need to grow in your gifting."

She did not say it directly but I perceived it by the spirit. She gave me a book on dream interpretation and as I looked at it, I was surprised that although some of the symbols were true, most of them were applied negatively.

Symbols are key. But application is important. Every book you read on dreams is key to help you have deep insight in your dreams. But learn that dreams are a personal language between you and God.

I have noticed with each individual the Lord may use the same symbols and the same language in those symbols.

Let's look at a biblical dream interpretation together.

The Dream of the Baker

Gen 40 vs 16
"When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white baskets on my head:"

Did you notice when the Baker realised the interpretation of the Cup Bearer was good, he also wanted an interpretation? That's how we apply symbols we have read in books. We use them directly, but when interpreting, the key is the Spirit of God.

The Colour Chart can be a good example. It can have five (5) 5 meanings for one colour. When you depend on God for your interpretation, he shows you which one among the choices is yours and how to apply it to your situation.

The Baker's Dream

Gen 40 vs 16-19
16 When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said unto Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, I had three white baskets on my head: 
17  And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of bakemeats for Pharaoh; and the birds did eat them out of the basket upon my head. note The interpretation
18  And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation thereof: The three baskets arethree days:
19  Yet within three days shall Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree; and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.

The Baker had three white baskets and each basket spoke of a day in the dream of the Butler.  Each branch symbolises a day as well. The baskets had bread meats inside and birds came and fed from the top basket. Some birds in a dream are demonic and they come as a symbol of the spirit of death. The bulter his brunches budded and it meant restoration and the baker the birds destroyed to show loose of life.

Each dream had different symbols for days. And the butler was to also die there would have been a symbol of a worm.

So when you look at a dream, each dream is important and the application is important.

Symbols of Birds in a Dream.

Dove - Holy Spirit

Eagle - prophetic annointing, prophetic person , prophetic mantle.

Vulture- spirit of death, thief, enemy,destruction.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Portals and Pathways Part 30

Portals and Pathways

Part 30

New Light

I remember a vision I once had. I was in a dark room and angels appeared in the room. As I looked, I knew they were of God. I looked again at a distant object and saw the devil. I began to focus on him and as I did, he became bigger and bigger than the angels. The angels vanished instantly so I could no longer see them. Fear crept into me and one of the angels reappeared and said to me, “Do not observe lying vanities.” The devil immediately vanished into thin air.

What am I saying? Sometimes we are not able to experience the grace and love of God in our lives because we are focusing on the devil and his operations. The reason why the angels in my vision  disappeared was because I had directed my attention to the devil

The church has focused on the devil that most of the ecounters many have had are encounters with demons. Man is more conscious of demons than God's angels. Many have seen the working of the enemy in their lives but few can acknowledge the working of God. The Bible lets are know that when we shall see the devil at judgement we shall be suprised because he is not as huge and fierce as we have made him.

Fear and lack of knowledge has limited our activity in the realm of the spirit. And this has made us even less effective in that dimension.

 Mathew 5 vs 8
"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."

It is possible to see God because the blood of the Master has made me pure. I am righteous because he has made me righteous. I am holy because he has declared me holy.

Men are more conscious of their sin yet the Bible says our righteousnesses are as filthy rages before him. Why have you disqualified yourself when he qualified you?

That day I missed his visitation because I was observing lying vanities. As I was writing this, the Lord said to me, "Many have missed My visitation because they have looked at the devil and themselves and have not looked at Me."

If we are to see and participate in the realm of the spirit, there is a change of attitude we must take.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey