Understanding the Spiritual Realm
Part Four
The Arctic affects the climate of the whole world and determines the low and high weather conditions all over the world.
So, world scientists monitor that single region and the changes that occur there.
As Christians, we are duty-bound to study the spiritual state of Israel and israel determines the spiritual state of the whole world. Like how the Arctic affects the whole world's climate, the nation of Israel also affects the spritual climate of the whole world.
The entire land of Israel, including Jerusalem, is a portal into heaven and a gateway for major encounters and so much has been shifting for that nation. Recently, United States President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem to be the new home for their nation's embassy.
This is a shift also for the body of Christ because it has opened doors for the church in the affairs of the nations. The number 70 is a symbol of restoration and also key to the prophetic because it speaks of discernment. So as Israel is celebrating 70 years, as the Church, we are walking into a season of restoration as well. Seventy was also the time determined for israel to be freed from captivity in the days of Daniel. Seventy was also the number of elders choosen in the days of Moses . When you then look at all the various meanings of 70 you can determine the full purpose of the church in our generation.
The Arctic also accounts for some of the negative weather conditions experienced all over the world. When you study the political situation of that nation, your eyes are opened to see the manifestations of God in our time.
Israel is celebarting 70 years of independence and, as I indicated earlier, 70 is a symbol of the restoration as well as the prophetic . A major event happened during this period in the nation of America when it acknowledged that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem and moved their embassy to Jerusalem. There are physical landmarks within Isreal that point to God and the relationship he has with men.
When you look at the physical state of some nations, you can discern the spiritual state of its people. America, because it favours Isreal, it has experienced great prosperity. When you look into the Word, the book of Daniel speaks of the prince of Persia and in Ezekiel, it speaks of the prince of Trye. These princes determined the political and the daily lifestyles of the regions they ruled.
Remember, in Part 3, I said dry regions are places of low spiritual activity and places or locations with low positive spiritual activity or cold SPIRITUAL conditions. The reason for these low conditions is the prince over thats area.
A prince can say within my domain I will employ demons of poverty and even some demons of sexual sin and as these demons possess and torment individuals in the land, the prince maintains his position.
At times as believers we don't have influence spiritually to affect or bring down this prince. But through the preaching of the word we can take his influence over a nation because he maintains control because of the mindset of the people and the work of his foot soldiers.
Let's preach the word to bring down the princes in different locations.
God blesss you!
Apostle Humphrey
Amazing insight thank you sir