Friday, 22 June 2018

Black smith teaching series

Teach me to fight

Part 2

Ps 144 vs 1
"Blessed be the Lord my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight."

It is a challenge that a lot of believers want honey but they don't want to deal with the bees. Every inheritance without a battle is superficial. David asked God to teach his hands to war . How do you fight these spiritual battles and what guarantees one's victory?

Every emeny has unique strengths and weaknesses. But don't ever make the mistake of asumming your enemy is powerless or has no strength. Our enemy is the devil and he has so many soldiers in his army from his air support, which are the principalities, to his foot soldiers which are demonic spirits.

Each regimant responds differently in the battle. The mind is a place of battle. The enemy we are dealing with is wise and has learnt how to input his thoughts in your mind that you begin to think they are your thoughts.

I once spoke to a young gentleman who was constantly tormented by sexual thoughts that he stopped fighting them and later accepted them to be his thoughts, which pushed him into a life of sin. Those thoughts were arrows sent by the eneny but were comaflaged as his own.

There are some people who constantly meditate on giving up their work while others are overwhelmed by suicidal thoughts. These are not your thoughts but the enemy's. The only way to have victory is to take every thought captive by bringing it into subjection to the word of God.

During the course of the day, how many thoughts were your own and how many have been footprints of the enemy in your mind? The challenge with this battle is that many soldiers have been defeated because they have believed the enemy's thoughts and lies of failure to be their own and fallen along the way.

 It's time you learn how to fight. With every demonic system there are different  strategies. Some demons focus on making you have low self esteem, some depressions, jealous and some murderous thoughts. It's up to you to separate them and deal with them.

Refuse to be the playing ground of the enemy.

God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

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