Monday, 26 February 2018

Portals and Pathways part 8

Portals and Pathways

Part 8

A portal can be created. The Lord showed me that a place that you consistently meet with him becomes a portal. Moses went back to Mount Sinai because it had now become a portal. In that place, he saw the burning bush and was given the 10 Commandments. It was a place of encounters.

By dedicating your prayer place and honouring your prayer schedule it becomes a portal or place of meeting. He showed me once in a vision that in any battle, if the enemy cuts your lines of communication in a battle, he has won the war.

Prayer is an essential part of our walk. Communication satellites help in winning the war and our communication satellite is prayer. In a separate vison, he showed me how a single instruction can help save one's life or have them lose it. In this vision, I saw a man and a woman hanging for their dear lives on a mountain edge and God said to both of them, “Let go and praise Me.”

 This was a difficult thing to do because letting go of their lifeline would have seen them both dropping to their deaths. The man obeyed and raised his hands in faith to praise God. He was immediately delivered as a hand came from the sky and grabbed him before he could fall.

The woman refused to let go until her arms gave in and she fell to her death. The things of God are foolishness to those that perish. She thought if she let go she would die so in an effort to save her life, she lost it. In her mind, she was wondering: if he was really God, surely he could save her even if she did not let go?

God is a God of principles. He will never break his principles under any circumstances. When you understand this, you will live a victorious life. Find out these principles and follow them. The most amazing thing is that the fundamental principles of our Christian walk are so simple that many easily miss them.

During the portals and pathways series I have shown principles on how to gain access into the spirit. These principles work for those that follow them intently. Without the right key, these doors will not open. A lot of believers don't even know about the reality of the realm of the spirit and some even think they are a few privileged people who can see visions and angels.

I have prayed for people and these were just believers not leaders and they saw the throne. I have seen that God desires deep fellowship but it's about understanding how to fellowship with him. Prayer is a basic principle but a lot do not egade seriously.

By meeting the Lord consistently in one place, your ability to hear God is sharpened and it makes you able to receive instructions that enable you to have greater fellowship with him. I have noticed most portals are places where one receives instructions and enablement for their Christian walk.

Apostle Humphrey

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