Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Portals and pathways part 9

Portals and Pathways

 Part 9

When this series began, God started teaching me that there are doors into the supernatural. These doors have been there from the beginning of time and there are individuals who have access to them.

I remember when I travelled to Malawi. I taught that these doors can only be opened from inside. I gave reference to what Jesus said, I stand at the door and knock (Rev. 3:20). Someone within that dimension has to open that door for you. One testimony that came from Malawi was of a lady who had a vision in which she came to a door and knocked. The door had no outside handle and could only be opened for her from inside.

In the Bible, Eli the priest had access to understanding God's voice because he had met with God. The biggest challenge is to assume you don't need anyone to help you discover the voice of God and gain deeper insights into God.

Samuel was a prophet who anointed the two first kings of Israel and even told his mentor how judgement shall come upon him. God wanted to tell Samuel of the coming judgement upon Eli's house but God had to use Eli's voice and Eli to help Samuel understand this judgement. The judgement would have come even if Samuel did not tell Eli but Samuel would never have learnt the voice of God.

The biggest challenge we have in our generation Samuel is passing judgement upon Eli before he is taught how God speaks. The Bible makes refrence to people like Namaan. He was a leper yet the Bible says he was a mighty man of valour. We focus so much on a man's weaknesses and not his strengths yet the Bible says the leper was a mighty man of valour.

The greatest secret to the things of God is humility by being malleable and teachable .Even a donkey instructed a prophet. Learn to empty yourself and open yourself up to learn from those that the Lord may sends  to you. If you cannot follow simple rules man gives, its hard to follow God.

I have discovered God's voice in people and situations others may learn from even the environment .In my book Theophany i taught how that creation carries the voice of God and shared a testimony on how my dog brought me to the awareness of a spiritual attack .Rick Joyner taught me that Jesus said if you do not learn from the people I send to you, the tragedy is you will learn from your enemies. In his book, he had failed to hear a message from someone because of pride. He made a mistake which seemed simple and by this mistake he missed a message the Lord desired him to learn.

Learn to be a student and be ready to learn from those sent into your life. I don't learn from everyone but from the ones approved by God over my life. But those approved are sometimes hard to know. They are hidden but carry truths that can change your life.In my interpretation of dreams and visions i have learnt that the Lord uses the same symbols to communicate and when you discover this code you have access to his instructions.

Apostle Humphrey

Monday, 26 February 2018

Portals and Pathways part 8

Portals and Pathways

Part 8

A portal can be created. The Lord showed me that a place that you consistently meet with him becomes a portal. Moses went back to Mount Sinai because it had now become a portal. In that place, he saw the burning bush and was given the 10 Commandments. It was a place of encounters.

By dedicating your prayer place and honouring your prayer schedule it becomes a portal or place of meeting. He showed me once in a vision that in any battle, if the enemy cuts your lines of communication in a battle, he has won the war.

Prayer is an essential part of our walk. Communication satellites help in winning the war and our communication satellite is prayer. In a separate vison, he showed me how a single instruction can help save one's life or have them lose it. In this vision, I saw a man and a woman hanging for their dear lives on a mountain edge and God said to both of them, “Let go and praise Me.”

 This was a difficult thing to do because letting go of their lifeline would have seen them both dropping to their deaths. The man obeyed and raised his hands in faith to praise God. He was immediately delivered as a hand came from the sky and grabbed him before he could fall.

The woman refused to let go until her arms gave in and she fell to her death. The things of God are foolishness to those that perish. She thought if she let go she would die so in an effort to save her life, she lost it. In her mind, she was wondering: if he was really God, surely he could save her even if she did not let go?

God is a God of principles. He will never break his principles under any circumstances. When you understand this, you will live a victorious life. Find out these principles and follow them. The most amazing thing is that the fundamental principles of our Christian walk are so simple that many easily miss them.

During the portals and pathways series I have shown principles on how to gain access into the spirit. These principles work for those that follow them intently. Without the right key, these doors will not open. A lot of believers don't even know about the reality of the realm of the spirit and some even think they are a few privileged people who can see visions and angels.

I have prayed for people and these were just believers not leaders and they saw the throne. I have seen that God desires deep fellowship but it's about understanding how to fellowship with him. Prayer is a basic principle but a lot do not egade seriously.

By meeting the Lord consistently in one place, your ability to hear God is sharpened and it makes you able to receive instructions that enable you to have greater fellowship with him. I have noticed most portals are places where one receives instructions and enablement for their Christian walk.

Apostle Humphrey

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Portals and Pathways part 7

Portals and Pathways Part 7

Demonic Doors

"But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia." (Daniel 10:13)

The prince of persia was a demonic system that operated in Persia. This demonic system was responsible for the governmental and daily lives of the individuals in the land of Babylon.

The Bible says the devil is the god of this world. Sadly, he has authority in so many spheres of the world. We regain this territory through the preaching of the word and prayer.

Demons have ranks and structures and the lowest ranking demons receive instructions from the the princes or principalities. Have you noticed how certain communities can be tormented by abortions and miscarriages or even high divorce rates? These are the activities of these principalities.

The angel was delivering a message to Daniel and this was a proclamation of deliverance to the people of Israel and the Prince of Persia was responsible for the bondage of Israel and did not want this message to come or for them to be free.

A message carries the action of what it says so the prince knew if he could stop the message, he would maintain the bondage. The gospel must be preached because it brings deliverance to its hearers.

The reason why certain messages are not accepted in your community is because the prince in that area knows the message will lift his hold on the people. This demonic system or Prince of Persia tried to even stop an angel sent with Daniel's answer and message to the people of Israel.

This demon had control of the spiritual doors into this great city and even angels sent by God would pass through this domain. There are spiritual gates into every place and this includes your workplace. If you  have not taken the gates, you remain under whoever has control over them. Even as believers we have to take control of these gates to allow free course of the message ever for our promotion.

 The book of Corinthians written by Apostle Paul speaks of a third heaven and scholars believe the second heaven is the domain where both demonic beings and God's angels operate from. This domain once belonged to Adam but he lost this domain when he lost his authority in the Garden of Eden.

This domain, when accessed by a human beings, can affect their life spiritually and bring change in whatever situations they may be facing. In this domain, the enemy attacks people's marriages and finances and can even affect their relationship with the God.

So, it is paramount that as believers we learn about this domain. Do not only learn about, but exercise authority. Whatever you don't dominate, dominates you.

These doors don't belong to the devil but we have surrendered them to him because we often don't know how to live in the spirit.

 The Bible says to be fleshly minded is death (Romans 8). Most believers are not spiritual. They are ignorant about the realm of the spirit yet they're not fleshly creatures but spirits living in earthly bodies.

When the Prince of Persia attacked or tried to stop the answer the angel was carrying to Daniel, he allowed Daniel to gain insight about him.

Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, so when one gains knowledge, they receive keys to have dominion over whatever they have gained knowledge about.

Demons don't manifest easily because when they manifest, you have gained knowledge about them and can gain mastery over them. A lot of people are afraid of the enemy, especially when he manifests to them.

But when the enemy manifests, you have gained knowledge about them and can exercise dominion over them.

The Spirit of God  taught me that authority comes in an area in which you have revelation. Let's look at it as fighting in the dark.When fighting in the dark, you can't see your enemy, therefore you can't defeat him. Revelation is like switching on the light. The word of God brings revelation about demonic activity and the light you have in any area allows you to gain mastery.

So when a demonic spirit manifest  to you or you see them . Be happy because you have gained access to their world  therefore now have light  to see them and have mastery over them.Were though the name of Jesus can have Victory . When in a dream the enemy may  attack you i would say to you wake up celebrating saying you have shown yourself let me show you my king .Have learnt through thousands of dream interpretations that most dreams are warning on the attacks or areas of bondange in your life.

They are doors all around us and there are access points into the realm of the spirit . If you learn to have mastery in the spirit nothing will ever defeat you in life.

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 23 February 2018

Portals and Pathways part 6

Portals and Pathways Part 6

 Israel is a prophetic calender and gateway into the supernatural. When you look closely at Israel, you tap into the ability to understand God's message for your time. Every event that happens to Israel is important to understanding the plan and purpose of God for us.

 I love the last two witnesses that will minister from Jerusalem (Rev 11 vs 1-14). The Bible says these two prophets will carry such power and authority that the world will be convicted by their message. This will happen physically.

But I believe also their mantles are already on the earth. The Holy Spirit taught me and said these two prophets will be Elijah and Enoch. Both are symbols of different anointings and different graces. When you look closely at their lives, you can see how these anointings will be in operation.

 Elijah is a symbol of judgment and the type of prophetic movement we have witnessed in our generation is that of accurate words of knowledge. He was also a prophet who stood for the principles of God against false prophets.

 In some ways, he was and his mantle a symbol of intercession and deep love for the people of God. In our time, we have prophets who have manifested this gift and mantle of Elijah like never before.

Not ever before have we seen such an outpouring of the prophetic gift like in our time. People have seen and witnessed this accurate ministry in operation. Prophets like Uebert Angel, Brian Carn and even many more have demostrated the mantle of Elijah to the world and the church.

But another mantle is in operation, the mantel of Enoch. That's the mantle of relationship and demonstration of power. We are yet to witness this and I was shown how these prophets will teach others how to operate in the spirit and see visions. They will trigger rapture because Enoch triggered his own translation through fellowship (the coming of Yeshua). We pray that people will not miss these two operations and they have already been released. Israel is important in this equation. The deep things of God are so simple that a lot miss them. Israel missed her visitation when The Lord came because they failed to recognize Christ Jesus as the messiah. But the Bible teaches us to favour and bless Israel. Most people who love Israel have a deep relationship with God because they would be reflecting God's love for his people. Love for Israel activates angelic activity over your life. Follow what is going on in Israel and pray for her people.

 Apostle Humphrey

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Portals and pathways part 5

Portals and pathways part 5


Hospitality a key in activating angelic activity over your life .Angels  can appear in the ethereal world of dreams, visions and trances and can in some instances appear as a man

hebrews 13 vs 2   Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

 The challenge a lot of believers face is they are not hospitable yet they desire to see a angels if you cannot relate well with a man that you see can you be able to interact with angels. A lot of you have ignored angels that where  on assignment in your lifes

Genesis 18 vs 1-2   And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; 2  And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

The bible says he saw three man and he ran towards them .In the jewish culture they would encourage hospitality .The best way to activate the ministry of angels is

1) Being hospitable
2)Having a desire to see them
3)Being conscious of their presence
4)Actively participate in the word

These are some of the things that activate angels in your life .Most believers will never see angels or enter into the supernatural because they lack interest in it and are afraid of being deceived by the enemy who the bible says he can appear as an Angel of light .The word of God allows you to have discernment between good and evil. Angels are portals or keys into the supernatural because most if not all who have gone to heaven will be accompanied by an angels. Will show you more insights on angels as portals in other inserts of this series

Apostle Humphrey Mtandwa

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Portals and pathways part four

Portal and pathways part 4      

School of prophets Learning from a men or women who also has walked with God is another way you gain access into the supernatural realm where God lives and angels are. I remember  in prayer i asked God to tell me secrets.When i asked was shown a prophets face who lives in Zimbabwe.

God then said I share my secrets with him. Later on that night i saw in a night vision two women , As i began to walk with them. We came to a presidential palace they we soldiers all around and they said we are daughters of the king. When they said that the three of us gained access into this place. We entered there in this place there big rooms and these rooms when you put your eyes to the wall you would hear secrets The presidential palace was symbolic of a dimension of the spirit i had never entered and the soldiers where symbols of angels, the rooms a symbol of  domains within that realm and as i put my ear to the wall i would hear others sharing deep things about God

.These woman where ordinary and a lot of times its hard to notice those that have a deep walk with God because of their state of humility . You can easily miss them .These people have access to dimensions of God i had never experienced and because i was following them i was allowed access .Be a student always  especially to those that have a deep intimate walk with God , the easiest way to learn to be intimate with God is from someone who also walks with God and when you follow  closely their lives you learn how to be deeply intimate with God  .Its not always about meeting them even follow them from  afer using the latest technology ways you can learn from someone without ever meeting them and also the secrete when learning from a distance find ways to be a part of the ministry of the person. will you follow their teachings be student .

Apostle  Humphrey

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Portals and pathways 3

Prophetic symbols

And this is the writing that was written MENE, MENE , TEKEL, UPHARSIN Daniel 5 vs.25
The hand of the lord wrote MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN  and no one in the Babylonian kingdom could interpret expect the man Daniel through Gods Spirit .When Daniel was called in the kings house he came in and was able to give the king the interpretation of the writing . Also Joseph when he was told the two dreams in prison he was able to give the interpretations of the dreams.
 Dreams or a heavenly vision can carry symbols and you have to understand the meaning of the symbols. Also note that the interpretation of the symbols is best done through Gods word and scriptures. The word of God allows you to have better understating of prophetic symbols.

In a vision I saw three objects a chariot, lion, and world map .I did not have understanding of the meaning of the three symbols time passed and I had almost forgotten what the Lord had shown me. It came  a certain day as we were discussing the word with a brother of mine. That we began to discus about prophetic symbols. He began to ask me what bull’s feet or hoofs mean. I mentioned what scripture says about hoofs. Earlier on he had a vision and in the vision he had seen a bull.  The interpretation allowed him to see that the bull meant an evangelistic ministry. As we were talking we started looking at the bull in detail the horns mean authority, the hoofs we took the interpretation from psalms 18 vs. 33 he maketh my like a hinds feet and setteth me upon high places.

From that it meant that the lord had set him up on high places imagine all that information from a single bull. When in a vision or dream everything is important and symbolic. As we continued talking he mentioned that a lion means an apostolic grace I straightaway remembered that vision I had heard years back. When I had the vision I did not know how important of symbols where. It is important to learn prophetic symbols, even colours have a prophetic meaning, when you begin to walk in visions you need a strong understanding of the word of God because the word allows you to understand prophetic symbols .

Also note that for you to discern between demonic or angelic manifestations you need Gods word .
 In a teaching I once heard a man of God describe an encounter he had with Jesus. In that encounter the master gave him meet to eat then he straightaway said master show me through scripture what you have done. Then the lord gave him a scripture in Hebrews 5 vs. 14 strong meet belongeth to them that are full of age, even those who by reason  of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The word of God allows you to discern between good and evil. When you continue being in the word. That is by reading and meditating on scriptures you exercise your spiritual senses. Remember also in the beginning of this series we mentioned you have spiritual senses. Join me in as we look at portals and pathways part four. Thank you God bless you.

Apostle Humphrey

Friday, 16 February 2018

Portals and pathways part 2

Portals and pathways

Part 2

And Samuel the child ministered unto the lord before Eli. And the word of the lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision
And it came to pass at the time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see;
And ere the Lamb of God went out in the temple of the lord, where the ark of God was, Samuel laid down to sleep;
That the lord called Samuel: and he answered here I am. 1 Samuel 3 vs. 1-4kjv

Samuel ministered unto God in a temple where Eli the priest saved and the word of God was rare and there were no open vision in his time. Because of the conduct of the Elis’ sons. Who were profane and had no regard for spiritual things.
The young man Samuel served God faithfully in a system that no longer valued Him. Samuel as he laid at night. God called him and he went to the Eli because he thought it was the priest who had called him, the priest said I did not call you and went back to sleep. He woke up again and again until Eli Said go back and when he calls you say speak Lord for your servants hears you.

The priest had lost his walk with God but he still could teach the young man the voice of God .When Samuel said speak lord for your servant hears you God spoke to him. I once heard a man of God whom I highly revere say that for you to enter a certain dimension of fellowship with God. Someone within that dimension has to key you in meaning teach you principles on how to walk with God at that level.

At times you will skip the processes he went through when you tap into that grace upon his life .These individuals have a responsibility to teach others how to have a relationship with God and some people may never enter in because they are not humble or they don’t know that you need someone to teach you. In Elis’ time Gods’ word was rare but he still understood how God speaks .And when he instructed Samuel it ushered him into a new dimension of God’s grace Samuel could have missed God and would have not been able to get into the next dimension of fellowship with God.

There portals and pathways all around us these are gateways into the supernatural and like young Samuel, you need Eli to teach you how to gain access into them .Sometimes these individuals are not the most visible of people because they spend most of their time in prayer. How then do you identify them through the lifestyle they live. A man or woman who walks with God and has experienced the supernatural is a man of integrity Eli had a problem with his sons but he himself was a righteous man. So look for a God fearing woman or man and learn from their lives when you do this they will teach you and point out when God has spoken thank you and God bless you so much.

Apostle Humphrey

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Portals and pathways part one

Portals and pathways

 part 1

And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to the heaven and behold angels of God ascending and descending
Genesis 28 vs. 23

A gate is an entry point into a place or system. In genesis 28 vs. 26 Jacob in a dream saw a ladder that was an entry point into heaven.He saw angles coming up and down the ladder, he came back to that same place after 20 years and the portal was still open.

The place was a portal into the heavens that is the place he wrestled God and his name was changed to Israel. The question you may have is how do i recognize a portal or doorways into the supernatural? Looking again into the word of God Moses saw a burning bush and came back latter with the children of Israel to that same place.
There are certain places that are portals into heaven and the supernatural world and for someone who has not experienced the supernatural it is hard to notice these portals .The easiest way to see the doors or make them manifest in the natural is through worship and the other way is to closely follow and learn from someone who has experienced the supernatural before.
Worship unlocks the doors into the supernatural because worship invites God and his presence.

During worship you can then notice the points in the room where the presence of God is the highest or the strongest. Where most people miss it is that they trust more on their physical senses. It’s not about your physical senses but your spiritual senses .Like the five senses you have in the natural you have the same senses spiritually. You have the sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Your spirit man has eyes an example of Jacob when he saw the ladder of God he was asleep .How could he had seen it when his physical body was asleep through the eyes of the spirit .Pharaoh saw in a dream that was later interpreted by Joseph the coming years of plenty and later the years of drought.

Through the same eyes of the Spirit God can visit or even a door can be open and you can miss it or see it. When in worship Gods Spirit heightens our senses that we are more alert to him and his presence  worship allows our senses to be heightened that we begin to see, hear, feel, smell or even taste .When you begin to see the portals that are all around you, hearing and understanding Gods instructions becomes easier . Being a woman or man of worship is one way to heighten your senses that you may hear or see God. Worship is not about how good your voice sounds learn to sing and speak to God intimately.

The other way is to learn from a man or woman who has walked with God or even had a supernatural encounter before.

Will speak more on the same subject in part two .I am calling you to realms where the supernatural becomes so real. Today I want you to worship God. Through this worship you will experience the supernatural power of God thank you God bless you. Here is a link to a great worship concert listen and allow your senses to come alive in his presence 

Apostle Humphrey Mtandwa